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Ray Porter
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Ray Porter
Strong versatile straight announce or character
Last online3 years ago
Response time11 hours
Ray Porter
Strong versatile straight announce or character
Response time11 hours
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:15 - Total samples: 2
Ray Porter
Ray Porter - 1:07
Ray Porter
Ray Porter - 1:07
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11 hoursmedian response timeresponse time
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About Ray
Member sinceFeb 24, 2006
Shakespeare actor! Experienced/Strong/Warm/Extremely versatile voice. Extensive voiceover resume that runs the gamut from narration to commercials to animation and everything in between. Able to perform all North American, all British Isles with regional accuracy. Also all European (Eastern/ Western), South African, Australian, New Zealand, and even Caribbean!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
audiobooks, commercials local regional and national(Guitar Center, Mitsubishi, Sony, LG, and many others), Narration for films, in house training and presentations, Phone system work, and animation. In 15 Years at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland Oregon I have been called upon to do a very large variety of voices and characterizations. In nearly twenty five years of voiceover work, I have been asked to rise to almost every imaginable challenge and consistently delivered.
Nearly 25 years of voiceover experience. After an early career in radio (DJ and News) I moved to Los Angeles and then Oregon as an actor while doing voiceover work all along the way.
I am able to record in my own studio and take direction via phone. I have a reputation for being extremely cooperative with the desires of the client. My extensive experience with language makes me able to make cohesive and engaging sense of even the most technical of language and you can be assured that your copy will be "spot on" everytime.