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Jesse Boggs
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Jesse Boggs
Intelligent, wry, friendly, genial, inviting
Last online5 years ago
Jesse Boggs
Intelligent, wry, friendly, genial, inviting
Last online5 years ago
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About Jesse
Member sinceNov 29, 2012
Think Walter Cronkite but more genial. Authoritative and warm; your favorite teacher; your kindly uncle; a voice that makes complex concepts clear; a voice with range and flexibility; a voice you can trust and believe in.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
Southern good ol' boy, Virginia gentleman, old codger (Walter Brennan), authoritative news anchor (Walter Cronkite), pompous news anchor (Ron Burgundy, Ted Baxter), Bowery Boys-type Brooklyn, Old Maine Fisherman, hard-bitten midwestern farmer, old west gunslinger, Boston Brahman, Sid Ceasar-type French or German or Italian or Spanish simulations, "In a World..."-style movie trailer voice, Snidely Whiplash-type bad guy, Dudley Do-Right-type good guy.
Experience, training, and equipment
I've been producing, directing, writing, editing and voicing audio media for more than 40 years. I started in college at WAMU-FM (American University) in Washington DC. I worked in commercial radio for several years in Northern Virginia, doing air shifts, hosting a classical music program, and voicing and producing commercials. For six years I hosted and produced Radio Smithsonian, a 30-minute weekly public affairs program broadcast on 350 stations nationwide. I have produced/voiced numerous documentaries and features for National Public Radio. Since 1985 I have been producing/directing/abridging/adapting/voicing audiobooks for Simon and Schuster. Titles I've read include The Big Short and Panic by Michael Lewis, Health and Healing by Dr. Andrew Weil, D-Day by Stephen Ambrose, and Against the Gods (The Remarkable Story of Risk) by Peter L. Bernstein. I've written, produced and voiced many audio tours and other exhibition media for major museums. I also compose and produce music, including production music. My theme and incidental music for the NPR series, "The DNA Files," won a Peabody award.
B.A., Communications, American University
Extensive "on-the-job" training and experience in narration, news reading, commercial production and museum media.
Co-taught a semester of Pro Tools production at the U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.
Extensive experience directing authors reading audio versions of their books.
Home voice recording studio equipped with Pro Tools 8.04.
27" iMac, 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS 10.6.8
Rode NT-2A microphone
Fully soundproofed.
I've directed voice talent for many productions including museum media, radio dramas, audio tours and audio books. For Simon and Schuster I've specialized in directing authors reading their own work, including Dr. Phil, Shirley MacLaine, Rhonda Byrne, Joel Osteen, and many others. I have extensive experience as an interviewer and program host. As a writer, I specialize in creating compelling, clear interpretations of complex subject matter. For example, I co-authored the guidebook for the American Museum of Natural History's critically-acclaimed exhibition, "Endangered: Exploring a World at Risk." I've written and produced audio tours on a wide range of subjects: the Titanic disaster, Napoleon, pirates, modern art. My radio documentaries have explored the annual Tribal Journeys of the canoe-going Native American nations of the Pacific Northwest, closing the border in the Big Bend of Texas, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 attacks, and the 16th century Spanish conquest of Peru. As a composer/producer/musician, I have created production and incidental music for a wide variety of projects. My children's album, "Daughters of Water, Sons of the Sea," won a National Library Association award and is used in primary classrooms throughout the U.S. to introduce concepts of ocean conservation.