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Phuong Ngo
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Phuong Ngo
character specialist, expressive, flexible
Last online15 years ago
Phuong Ngo
character specialist, expressive, flexible
Last online15 years ago
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About Phuong
Member sinceJan 24, 2010
smooth and professional for presentations (also for training)
fun, exciting, encouraging, calling for commercials
young, exciting for sports, activities
deep, expressive for narrations
flexible for ages, accents (example: between vietnamese 3 accents, between south eastern asian english or french accents.)
flexible, variable for role playing like in games, in drama or play.
manly required contents.
Skills and services offered
French - European
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
British english, northern american or canadian english accent.
Asian english accent (like in Vietnamese or Chinese or Japanese accents)
French French, asian French (like Vietnamese or Chinese or Japanese accents).
Vietnamese: 3 main accents of Northern, Central and Southern Vietnamese.
Experience, training, and equipment
As a part-time broadcasting producer at BBC, I have done a lot of jobs (both voice over and translations then voicing over) for broadcasting radio, audio/visual programs for BBC World Service, espcially BBC Vietnamese Services since Dec 2007.
The items to be voiced over could be different and go from commentary, analyses, narration, role playing for feature, news stories.
I have also done translation and voicing over for sports and arts programme for BBC World Service (from BBC Sports and BBC Strand for Arts and literature.)
Last year I have done a voice-over job for a movie related to Indochina and Vietnam at TV and media Centre.
BJ1 by BBC at BBC World Service Training Centre in Bush House by December 2007 and January 2008.
I have been trained in a course of reading, narrating, using recording matierials, using microphone.
Especially, I was trained to handle different voicing over situations and contexts: drama, role playing, news casting, commentary or analysis expressing.
With the BJ1 course and other on the job training courses, I have been trained to master different skills in broadcasting journalism to produce broadcasting packages, to write commentary, analyses, news reports, etc.
When younger in Vietnam, as a amateur, I used to participate in role playing (dramas, theatres) for students. I also sing songs and play guitars in student groups in Hanoi, Vietnam. People say I have a sweet and expressive voice. Besides, my brother, a musician, and I, sometimes compose songs or pieces of music for guitar.
Though that I usually record my voice to be voiced over or broadcasted in a normal studio using cool edit pro (adobe audition) soft ware for broadcasting programmes and I can mix the tracks, however, these are for radio or some audio, visual broadcasting websites according to BBC radio standards, I prefer the jobs to be done with your technical supports at your studios that you can arrange, if possible.
Besides working as a part-time broadcasting journalist, I am an amateur writer (short-story, poem) in my native language (Vietnamese).
I have also been following and covering cultural, literature, sports... activities.
With a sociological and social science lecturer and researcher background, I have also been interested in historical, anthropological and psychological commentary films.
Besides, I have also some experience in marketing jobs, so I know the importance of audio, visual, sound and image effect as well as their contents to the viewers, listeners, readers or web users in ads, commercials, etc.
Finally, I have been working as a lecturer in sociology and education sciences in Vietnam for more than 10 years. My students and colleage tell me that I have a good, attractive and expressive voice, easy to follow. And I hope that this experience may be also suitable for training or presentation contents, or in narration film (history, wild life feature...) if and when required.