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Peter Reynolds
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Peter Reynolds
Deep, Character Specialist, offbeat, keen mimic.
Last online9 years ago
Peter Reynolds
Deep, Character Specialist, offbeat, keen mimic.
Last online9 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:59 - Total samples: 3
2106 Commercial Demo Reel
Peter Reynolds - 1:28
2016 Character Demo Reel
Peter Reynolds - 1:36
Narration / Full Audio production with FX/Foley
Peter Reynolds - 2:53
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About Peter
Member sinceJul 1, 2014
LocationRaleigh, NC, USA (GMT -4)
Low and smooth for narrations, professional for presentations or instructional videos, wide range for character voices of all kinds. Ability to put emotion into a character or voice.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - Other
English - British
English - Australian
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Female senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Raleigh, NC, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Southwestern English in the sound of the Old West, Southern English from the days of Civil War, Northereastern Enlgish like from Castle rock "A lotta history down tha road!", can mimic just about any accent or dialect in a short amount of time. Believable British English of various dialects, Irish, Thick Scottish brogue, stuffy French, Mad German Scientist.
Experience, training, and equipment
Starting out 5 years ago I started out with small work, narrating fanfictions and other independent projects and and have moved into the more professional realm. I have narrated several Audiobooks, on Audible/Amazon/Itunes, for independent authors a 4 for Evolved Publishing. I have been in an number of small works and video games but have also voiced roles in inXile Entertainments Wasteland 2. I am a member of Audio Publishers Association and listed in Audiofile index.
Entirely self taught over the years but with a natural talent for voice over works, especially character voices, and really love Audiobook narration.
Mic: Neumann TLM 103
Pre-amp/Dynamics: ART Voice Channel with TOS link to studio audio card.
Software: Audacity, Adobe Audition, Sony Vegas Pro 12, Reaper
Customer home studio/vocal booth using Audimute products. Very low noise floor.
It is difficult to put anything additional here. While I have the skill I am a novice to the professional industry. However I feel my skill will speak for itself and my ability to product quality audio in a short time frame do the same.
I also enjoy getting into a character. In my major personal project I very much get into being the main character. Some of the most rewarding things about that story is when the main character gets worked up and emotional as it invokes the same emotion in myself. This makes the end product sound real and not forced or flat...because it is not.