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Penny Koons
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Penny Koons
friendly, upbeat, warm, motivational, sincere
Last online4 years ago
Penny Koons
friendly, upbeat, warm, motivational, sincere
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:37 - Total samples: 3
Penny Koons - 1:03
Penny Koons - 1:34
Penny Koons - 0:58
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About Penny
Member sinceJul 30, 2014
A warm rich appealing voice for narrations, sensual, perky and fun for commercials, smooth, likable, and professional for presentations.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Male teenager
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
British snob,
Southern Bell,
Southern hick,
Broken English-Chinese,
Trailer trash
Mimicking sounds and accents
Experience, training, and equipment
Started out in Radio, receiving training with Columbia School of Broadcasting in Orlando, FL which landed an intern position at MIX 105.1/WOMX working the weekend Casey Kasem show.
I served my country for 27 years in the United States Coast Guard, were I honed my communications skills as a Telecommunications Specialist. Receiving numerous awards for her effective communications skills, leadership roles, and team work.
I have continued my Voice Over training in Norfolk, VA with voice over actor/Music Producer Nick Kaiser (Such-A-Voice, Dan Levine Company).
* 1990 Completed the Columbia School of Broadcast, Orlando FL
* May 2014 completed the Such-A-Voice program and voice demo (a Dan Levine company).
* June 2014, completed a Voice over work-shop with local talent (Scott Burns) in Seattle WA at Vertigo Productions.
* July 2014, completed voice-over technical work-shop from Vertigo Productions.
* Sep 2014 registered for Voice-over for actors Independent study with Roger Nick Olympic College Bremerton, WA.
Home recording studio
Pro Tools software
Audio Interface
Compressor & EQ
Perception AKG-420 microphone
Digital Communication Operating System Integration
Windows Media
Audio Hardware driver types
Core Audio
* Team player - friendly and works well with all people.
* 2006 Graduate of Dale Carnegie's 12 week course, Effective Communications. To include outstanding student award voted by my classmates.
* Completed the U.S. Coast Guard Instructor Development course 1998.
* Instructor for Coast Guard telecommunication's course and Leadership and Management course from 1998 - 2001.
* Selected as the Coast Guards Telecommunications Instructor of the Quarter consecutive in 1999.
*Career Development Advisor, Integrated Support Command Seattle, WA from May 2006 to June 2008. Conducted 36 Career Development Seminars for hundreds of active duty, reserve, auxiliary members and their dependents.
*Graduate of Steven Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Seminar July 2000.