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Nicole Fazio
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Nicole Fazio
Authoritative, Enthusiastic, Quirky Announcer
Last online14 years ago
Nicole Fazio
Authoritative, Enthusiastic, Quirky Announcer
Last online14 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:19 - Total samples: 4
Promo Demo
Nicole Fazio - 0:52
Animated Interactive
Nicole Fazio - 1:32
Commercial Demo
Nicole Fazio - 0:57
Infomercial Demo
Nicole Fazio - 0:57
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About Nicole
Member sinceJun 23, 2007
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Strong Driving Announcer to cut through with low register, The Amazing Mom everyone wants with mid range sound & Young Sexy Girlfriend you want to have coffee with in higher range *Voice always delivers enthusiasm, courage of convictions and non stop wonder that invites you to indulge*
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Hint of Southern, English, New York Flavor
Experience, training, and equipment
Voice of Guthy-Renker currently announcing WEN by Chaz Dean, Jane Seymour's NATURAL ADVANTAGE & KATE SOMERVILLE Infomercials, National Campaign Voice of Fiora, formerly Paseo, KB HOME internet campaigns for 3 communities, Bare Minerals by Bare Escentuals (8 years), An Adorable McDonald's Radio [I play the "Matchmaker"], Lazy Boy TV [I play the snooty Chartruese Green Leather Chaise Lounge & Sofa], Wal-Mart Radio [I play "Liz" a young mom talking all about Cheerio's] currently airing nationwide! Young Norma Jean for Verizon, Also airing: PHILOSOPHY, CELL CEUTICALS & THE MICRO DELIVERY PEEL spots, WEN "How To," Internet & Salon for Chaz Dean!!!!!! Listen & Love ...
HYUNDAI: First woman to announce the voice of a car. On my first voice over audition, I booked tons of national/regional/tags spots for their full line: Tiberon, Elantra, Accent, Sonata! This is where I "cut my teeth."
Also heard on Jenny Craig, AAA nationals & as the voice of XO Communications [formerly Nextlink] for their national/regional television/radio campaigns, virtual tour on-line & caller bank, Ryland Homes (industrial), Opening Promo featured at PROMAX 2008 as the voice of Wheel of Fortune & Jeopary, Announcer on Fight/Choreographer's Award Show at the Orpheum Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles
Singing on the Volkswagon Commercial Jingele, "Three V Dub's for Under $199" currently airing nationwide
Animated two characters: a teenage fairy & evil witch for the Italian Feature, Minx Club, now on DVD
Voice of tons of infomercials including: Therma Clear, Half Time Oven, Rejuva Wand, Seda Wax & many, many more
Voice Over For The Working Pro & For the Actor
Taught by Cathy Kalmenson of Kalmenson & Kalmenson
Promo Coaching
Taught by Vanessa Gilbert & Ilko Drozdoski of TGMD Talent
University of Washington, Seattle
BA in Drama, Minor in Music, Vocal Performance
15 years of private classical voice training
Opera, Jazz, Musical Theatre Singer & Songwriter
I have a home studio with a beautiful Voice Over Booth designed by Dave & Dave, Inc.
I can send you an AIF, WAV or MP3 file within minutes via email & we can chat via Source Connect!
Equipment: 4040 Mic & MAC book air laptop!
Hand Picked by Top Motion Picture Trailer Manager, Paul Wintner to voice Trailers & Promos Nationwide!