Nicole can speak with a range of vocal styles from an Oakland urban accent, to a southern accent, or teenage valley girl, and can perform mimicry for a number of voice styles that can work in corporate and commercial projects to more zany characters for commercials, animation, or video games. She has a Warm, Soft, Smooth, Believable, Romantic, Sexy, Sly, Authoritative, Mom, kind of voice and can deliver lines in a conversational, or professional style.
keywords include: approachable, articulate, authoritative, believable, breathy, business, caring, classy, commanding, compassionate, compelling, complex, concerned, conversational, cordial, corporate, deep, depressed, elegant, engaging, ethereal, female cop, friendly, genuine, honest, husky, hypnotic, inspirational, inspiring, intelligent, intimate, intriguing, inviting, kind, likable, mature, memorable, girlfriend, mom, mother, motivational, mysterious, natural, neighborly, passionate, powerful, professional, real, refined, reflective, resonant, rich, seductive, seductress, sensitive, sensuous, serious, sexy, silky, sincere, smart, smoky, smooth, softspoken, soothing, sophisticated, strong, sultry, teacher, technical training, temptress, thoughtful, tough, woman, trustworthy, truthful, velvety,voice acting, voice actor, voice actress,warm, wife, witch