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Nancy German
Nancy German
Sincere, character,warm,sexy, professional,smooth
Last online10 hours ago
Response time19 minutes
Nancy German
Sincere, character,warm,sexy, professional,smooth
Response time19 minutes
Last online10 hours ago
Playlists (7)
Duration: 3:35 - Total samples: 2
Commercial demo
Nancy German - 1:11
TV Promo
Nancy German - 2:23
Duration: 1:35 - Total samples: 1
Nancy German - 1:35
TV narration
Duration: 4:07 - Total samples: 2
Duration: 1:28 - Total samples: 1
Character demo
Duration: 1:43 - Total samples: 1
Corporate read with smile
Duration: 0:18 - Total samples: 1
Read with smile
Duration: 0:18 - Total samples: 1
Reviews (3)
10 months ago
Flag review
Nancy is a true professional with quick responses and fast delivery to lend us her warm and friendly voice. Not only are we pleased with what she provided to our project, but it was also an enjoyable experience working together.
Nancy German10 months ago
It was a pleasure working with Charles and his team. Clear communication and a great sense of humor made the session fun. I'd be happy to work with you again. Thank you.
1 year ago
Flag review
We loved what Nancy brought to our project. Very authentic sound for our Tennessee-based video. And she's not even from the south!
Lots of talent here, very easy to work with.
Nancy German1 year ago
Great team to work with! Really enjoyed them . Thanks again.
2 years ago
Flag review
Nancy German2 years ago
Start to finish, this team was awesome! Thank you.:)
Top 30%of voice actors
This ranking is based on the average number of proposals liked or booked by clients over the past 12 months.
19 minutesmedian response timeresponse time
Median response time is calculated on responses in the last 6 months.
The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
8 Bookings3 in the last 12 months3 in the last year
This number only shows Bookings completed on Voice123. It might not be a complete reflection of the voice actor's work.
6 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
This is the number of clients that booked this voice actor on Voice123.
Over the past 25 years I have completed voiceover projects for such companies as: Sony, Best Buy, Vistaprint, Nissan, Exxon, Aveeno, DirectTv, Nestle, Bayer, Bell, Hitachi, Solidicon, Zeppelin Development,Bearing Point, HR Proactive-Workplace Harrassment E-learning, New York Presbyterian Hospital, J.C. Penney, International Truck, Intermec, AT&T, New England Sports Network, Himalaya Products,Dove, Axe, Silkies Enriche, Colony Mortgage, Beltone, Filoli Foundation, Healthcare Academy-Medical E-Learning, Lithgow Library, Cervelo, Aconyx, Los Angeles Emergency Responders, Huntington Hospital, TriWest, Professional Prospecting, Jon Gabriel Method, Marfi E-learning, ILSA , Hair Ultra Spa, Maine Restaurant Association, Maine Bed and Breakfast Association and many more. My work ethic is strong and I often succeed in exceeding the expectations of my clients.
Thank you for your consideration.
My voice is available for powerpoints, radio advertisements, television advertisements, audio books, tags, movie trailers, et cetera. No job is too big or too small to consider. I am fun to work with and easy to deal with. My references are available upon request. Thank you!
Vocal training, choral training, excellent with harmony, v/o workshops, improvisation and acting training.
Pat Fraley-voice over character workshop, audiobook workshop.
Dee Cooke-teleprompter/t.v. training
Marcy Phillips-NBC Primetime Casting workshop.
VOICE 2008-multiple presenters on Voice Acting
Marice Tobias-private vocal coach
That's Voiceover-Chicago
Faffcon-Voice Over Professionals Conference
Scott Parkin-coaching
I have my own studio and can send file by email, dropbox, etc. . I have IPdtl, Skype, available to the client and I have access to ISDN in my area.
Excellent, quick pick up skills without prior voice over script. I have an ability to read medical and technical scripts and have special knowledge in areas of education, health and psychiatric terminology. Diverse characters, fun to work with, reliable and professional. Excellent references.