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Paul Henry
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Paul Henry
To be honest, I am! To tell your story, I do! To be me, is me! That's good for you!
Last online5 years ago
Paul Henry
To be honest, I am! To tell your story, I do! To be me, is me! That's good for you!
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 13:49 - Total samples: 10
Bowling Burger Expert
Paul Henry - 0:27
Age of Anxiety
Paul Henry - 1:14
Commercial Demo
Paul Henry - 1:00
WWII Narration
Paul Henry - 0:58
Computer Teminology
Paul Henry - 0:33
Romantic Drama Narration
Paul Henry - 4:51
Comedic Commercial
Paul Henry - 0:31
Suspense Mystery Narration
Paul Henry - 3:08
Legal Warning to Driver
Paul Henry - 0:33
Commercial Demo
Paul Henry - 0:30
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About Paul
Member sinceNov 12, 2015
LocationDenver, CO, USA (GMT -6)
You can hear personality in my voice. It speaks to your customer/audience, and they will know that what they hear is a great representation of you and your message. You know, that all important face of your brand, I have one of those too for on camera work. But don't believe what I say put me to the test and see for your self.
A deep warm friendly voice a great choice for commercials or a business presentation. Conversational and approachable like the guy next door for radio or TV. Sexy, fun and soulful perfect when the mood needs to be just right for an event or show. Knowledgeable and friendly for a documentary or trade show presentation. Down to Earth and working class when the hard work need to be done.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Phone patch
Denver, CO, USA
Additional vocal abilities
You can hear personality in my voice. My main character is me, but I also do New York guy, tough guy, happy guy, enthusiastic guy.
Experience, training, and equipment
I have recorded hundred of local commercials for radio and television, I have recorded and produced around twelve audio books.I always put the customer/producer/director first in doing the job just right.
So who are you hiring for your project: I am an actor, voice over artist and a musician (I am currently in a country band). I keep my skills sharp by continually training in acting; scene work, on camera commercial technique, to building my niche type, etc. So you get what you need and can rest assured you made the right choice in hiring your talent.
I also study and work on the latest techniques for recording and sound engineering, upgrading to the newest equipment in my studio.
Mac computers and Adobe Audition CC, Twisted Wave audio software. Sennheiser MKH 416. Apogee interfaces.
I am an creative artist. I love to work in the arts and entertainment medias. I love technology and getting the best sound quality to meet your requirements. I can write copy and edit scripts. I have studied Improv and theatre. I ask questions to what people want to hear.