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Morgan Burch
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Morgan Burch
Warm, pure, sweet, innocent, smile
Last online8 years ago
Morgan Burch
Warm, pure, sweet, innocent, smile
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:08 - Total samples: 1
Morgan Burch- Commercial
Morgan Burch - 1:08
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About Morgan
Member sinceJun 10, 2011
LocationAcworth, GA, USA (GMT -4)
Morgan's voice has a lot of smile. Her voice is smooth, innocent, warm, and upbeat. Her voice is pure, clear and she is easy to understand. Her voice shows a lot of personality.
cell: (404) 246-3085
studio: (678) 574-5574
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Phone patch
Acworth, GA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Voice over of a baby, toddler, child, or teenager. Voice over of a funny cartoon character. Accents- Southern.
Experience, training, and equipment
She has had voice over coaching with Deborah Richards and Della Cole. Years of acting classes and workshops as well.
Morgan has booked voice overs for national television, radio, movies, video games, apps, audiobooks, documentaries, and internet companies.
Morgan started taking acting classes at the age of 4. Below are some of the classes she has taken..
Voice Over Coaching-Deborah Richards, Creative Studios
Voice Over Coaching-Della Cole, your ACT
Summer Intensive Acting Camp-Ken Feinberg
CSA Film Academy Graduate- Ken Feinberg
Private Acting Coaching-Ashley Le'Conte Campbell
Private Acting Coaching- Tim Donner
Commercial/Acting-Debra Lynn Findon, The Actor's Scene
Commercial/Acting-Barry Shaprio, The Actor's Scene
Commercial/Acting-Kris Redding, Babes 'N Beaus
Commercial/Acting-Jen Rudin, Creative Studios
Improv-Jillian Fratkin, yourACT
Musical Theater-John Christian, Blackwell Playhouse
Muscial Theater-Brian Dixon,DayStar Dance Academy
Theater-Koko Chalfant,yourACT
On-Camera-Della Cole/Patrick Young, yourACT
Teleprompting-Eaddy Mays, Creative Studios
Mackie Board
Rode NT 1-A
Pro Tools
Cool Edit Pro
Advanced Reader, Advanced Vocabulary, Takes Directions Well, Well Behaved, Strong Memory,
Well Spoken, Singing