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Monika Gonzalez
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Monika Gonzalez
Business Professional, Soccer Mom, Upbeat
Last online5 years ago
Monika Gonzalez
Business Professional, Soccer Mom, Upbeat
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:35 - Total samples: 5
Monika Gonzalez
Monika Gonzalez - 1:29
Atlantis Resort Bahamas
Monika Gonzalez - 1:02
Spanish website
Monika Gonzalez - 2:12
German Language Industrial
Monika Gonzalez - 0:55
2009 Starlight Music Series
Monika Gonzalez - 0:56
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About Monika
Member sinceMar 2, 2009
Intelligent and clean for the business professional presentation, captivating and involving for narrations, sexy and smooth with a hint of smokey for book promotions, bright and fun for commercials.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Speak Spanish with a German accent as well as speaking German with an Italian accent.
Experience, training, and equipment
A list of some of the diverse voice overs I have performed: The Reef Residences at the Atlantis, PBS Kids Play, Novo Nordisc (Norditropin) Spanish & English versions, The Department Homeland Security in German, Mercedes-Benz radio commercial, Ideal-Dial's voice library, Audio text books for Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic or RFB&D, BioInternational Convention in Spanish, Homeloan Learning Centers, Tinkers radio commercial.
After getting my Undergraduate Degree in Business Marketing, I attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and since then I continue to take classes and workshops from NY casting directors including private coaching plus an intensive course with the Upright Citizens Brigade for long form improvisational technique. Continually, I take workshops and private sessions in voice over technique.
This is some of the equiptment I use at home.
SE2200A Condenser Microphone sE
The Reflexion Filter sE
USB 2.0 0404 Audio MIDI interface (E-MU) Creative Professional
Pro Channel
M-Audio Microtrack II (for traveling)
I speak and read both Spanish and German.