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Mike Mason
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Mike Mason
Need witty, creative & funny?! You've found him!
Last online5 years ago
Mike Mason
Need witty, creative & funny?! You've found him!
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 2:47 - Total samples: 1
Mike Mason Radio Demo
Mike Mason - 2:47
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About Mike
Member sinceApr 22, 2014
I've been a radio personality for 10 years, and have voiced countless spots and promotional events! With little direction, I can utilize my voice to create something unique, something that will draw people to your product. Clients have described my voice as energetic, upbeat, fun, sexy and professional. I'd be thrilled to work with you in any way possible to help promote all of your business needs.
Thanks for stopping by!!! :)
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
Having been in the radio industry for 10 years, I have an extensive background with voice overs. After hearing me on the radio, clients have specifically requested ME to voice their products. Whether it be a jewelry store voicing spots alongside the owner, or various car dealerships, or kids events, or even store openings...I've practically done it all! If you're willing to give me a chance, you won't be disappointed!
I have worked for 4 different radio stations, currently working for 3:
101.9 The Mix Chicago
103.7 KISS-FM Milwaukee
99.1 The Mix Milwaukee
Since I was in first grade, I've been performing on stage and using my voice in various ways. I was an actor, singer, dancer, and emcee all through school. My college major was drama, and I graduated from a Radio/TV Broadcasting School here in IL, having been voted "Outstanding Broadcast Student" by my peers.
Having previously mentioned I've worked in radio for 10 years, I have access to the studio equipment at the station. We have the latest equipment, and I'm there every day to take advantage of it.