I have over 20 years experience as a radio newscaster, which explains where my polished and authoritative delivery comes from. Since leaving the radio industry I have performed roles ranging from a bereaved college professor seeking to rejoin his late wife, a father figure to a gifted boy, an honest, but grammatically challenged Sheriff in a re-creation of the Lone Ranger, a curmudgeonly elderly member of a giant corporation for and various space aliens including at least one Klingon in a Star Trek based audio drama Star Trek: Excelsior.
I have a Master's Degree in Mass Communication from the University of South Florida. My undergraduate degree work included basic speech pathology, public speaking and proper speaking techniques. My radio background required a delivery that was both authoritative, while remaining conversational. I have served as on-camera talent for news shows and training videos as well as playing numerous roles in a variety of fantasy and science fiction
I have a home studio set up that includes a Marshall MXL 2001 microphone.
My editing software of choice is Adobe Audition 1.5, although I am comfortable with Cool Edit Pro 2 and can work with Audacity. I have phone patch capability for real-time direction.
I have worked for a number of years as a sales counselor at a major electronics retailer and am familiar with the retail trade jargon. I am also knowledgeable about weather related issues and have an interest in science. My knowledge of financial and business affairs makes me a natural for corporate training videos and promotional videos. As a lifelong martial artists I am familiar with many terms and concepts that most people can not grasp. I am also able to properly pronounce words and names that cause problems for other voice talents.