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Mike Hennessy
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Mike Hennessy
Authortitavie, educated
Last online5 years ago
Mike Hennessy
Authortitavie, educated
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:57 - Total samples: 2
Mike Hennessy - 0:58
Mike Hennessy - 0:59
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About Mike
Member sinceJun 29, 2011
Smooth and professional, while maintaining conversational style and authoritative presence. Baritone range, well modulated and easily understood. Perfect for educational or informative presentations.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Authentic southern U.S. dialect and elderly characterizations, slight German accent.
Experience, training, and equipment
I have over 20 years experience as a radio newscaster, which explains where my polished and authoritative delivery comes from. Since leaving the radio industry I have performed roles ranging from a bereaved college professor seeking to rejoin his late wife, a father figure to a gifted boy, an honest, but grammatically challenged Sheriff in a re-creation of the Lone Ranger, a curmudgeonly elderly member of a giant corporation for and various space aliens including at least one Klingon in a Star Trek based audio drama Star Trek: Excelsior.
I have a Master's Degree in Mass Communication from the University of South Florida. My undergraduate degree work included basic speech pathology, public speaking and proper speaking techniques. My radio background required a delivery that was both authoritative, while remaining conversational. I have served as on-camera talent for news shows and training videos as well as playing numerous roles in a variety of fantasy and science fiction
I have a home studio set up that includes a Marshall MXL 2001 microphone.
My editing software of choice is Adobe Audition 1.5, although I am comfortable with Cool Edit Pro 2 and can work with Audacity. I have phone patch capability for real-time direction.
I have worked for a number of years as a sales counselor at a major electronics retailer and am familiar with the retail trade jargon. I am also knowledgeable about weather related issues and have an interest in science. My knowledge of financial and business affairs makes me a natural for corporate training videos and promotional videos. As a lifelong martial artists I am familiar with many terms and concepts that most people can not grasp. I am also able to properly pronounce words and names that cause problems for other voice talents.