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Michelle Fernandez
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Michelle Fernandez
Sexy, smooth, easy to listen to, deep w/nice tone
Last online16 years ago
Michelle Fernandez
Sexy, smooth, easy to listen to, deep w/nice tone
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:41 - Total samples: 2
Michelle Fernandez VO 1
Michelle Fernandez - 2:43
Michelle Fernandez VO 2
Michelle Fernandez - 2:57
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About Michelle
Member sinceNov 14, 2008
My voice is medium deep, warm, fun and smooth. My voice can be considered sexy and sassy. Although my voice is strong, it is also very easy to listen to. I've been told all of my life what a great tone I have to my voice and that I should do voice overs.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
French - European
English - USA and Canada
English - British
English - Australian
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Male young adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
I can speak with a New York accent, Boston, British, Australian/NZ, and I can read French and Spanish as well.
Experience, training, and equipment
"Sensa weight loss system" many voice overs for internet, commercial and infomercial.
BA in International Business with a concentration in French from Cal State Fullerton.
Del Mar Media Arts in Irvine, CA. I completed many 6 week workshops including: VO1, VO2, VO3, VO4, VO5, Commercial and Scene Study workshops. (Orange County Showcase, Animation, Dialects, Audiobooks, Narration, Spokesperson/Ear Prompter. Most recently I completed a sports announcing and interviewing workshop.
I currently do print and commercial work which I think will help me to get into character and really create and bring to life the script. I'm also a mom of three young girls so I have daily access to humor, fun, and drama which I think gives my voice talent freshness and a wide variety of expression.