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Michelle Campbell
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Michelle Campbell
Millennial, Youthful, Conversational, Real, Upbeat, Sweet, Kid, Teenager, Young Adult, Quirky, Warm, Funny, Professional, Disney
Last online1 year ago
Michelle Campbell
Millennial, Youthful, Conversational, Real, Upbeat, Sweet, Kid, Teenager, Young Adult, Quirky, Warm, Funny, Professional, Disney
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (2)
All my samples
Duration: 3:18 - Total samples: 3
Commercial Demo
Michelle Campbell - 1:24
Animation Demo
Michelle Campbell - 1:23
Fertility Center
Michelle Campbell - 0:29
Calm Voices
Duration: 1:29 - Total samples: 2
Calm voice
Michelle Campbell - 0:36
Dream Scientist
Michelle Campbell - 0:52
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About Michelle
Member sinceJan 22, 2013 / 323.632.8386 /
Hello! You found me! Let's work together:)
Hi there, I'm Michelle Campbell and I've been working professionally in Voice Over since 2013. I am represented by Coast to Coast in Los Angeles, and my credits include:
Disney's "Doc McStuffin's"
McDonald's Commercial as Smurfette - the voice match for Demi Lovato.
The Voice of True Health New Mexico
REELZ Channel Holiday Campaign
Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico
Tesuque Casino
ADR/Loop Group for The Flash, House of Cards and Unreal
Chinese Healer VG
Alameda Food Bank
*Fast Delivery
*Edited Voice Tracks
*Source Connect
*Home Studio
*Neumann TLM 103, Apollo Twin X interface
I have a high to medium female voice with a generic Mid-Atlantic American Accent. I am quite versatile and can display a range of tones and inflections from young, upbeat kid-
teenager to sassy young woman and professional adult for narration/educational/instructional.
I have the experience to bring your script to life and looking forward to connecting with you soon!
Thank you so much:)
Please check out my website and work:
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Script writing
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
Remote live direction
Additional vocal abilities
Accents: BBC English, Southern, Rhode Island, New York
Characterizations: valley girl, snobby brat, bugs, whimsical insects, young birds, small children, raccoons and parrots.
Experience, training, and equipment
Pat Fraley: Voice Actor, Teacher and Producer
"Michelle Campbell is wired for sound. Smart, connected as an actor, with smart choices and a range within her 20's-Something Core Voice and mind. She's fearless, by the way. Such a pleasure to guide someone on the way to a bright future."
Dave Waite: Founder of Zookeeper, a creative studio focused on branded animation for clients like TBS, Fox Sports + NBC.
"Michelle worked for us on several different occasions for us this year, in an industrial video, which she nailed despite being under the weather. She was a trooper and a total pro. She's also done voice-over work for us...she's smart, wildly inventive and can do amazing things with her voice. She's super fun to work with and great attitude. Highly recommended."
* Chinese Healer Video Game: I played a young girl named BO, and was booked for three sessions -- Eipix Entertainment
* Free the Witch Video Game - Eipix Entertainment
* Radio spot for Alameda Food Bank, playing a mid 30s woman. Tonos Studios
* Looping for Disney pilot, "Neck Pee Island"
* Voice Matching and ADR for "Neck Pee Island" - Disney
* Animation sequence for Zookeeper Industries
* Guest Star role as Sadie on "Doc Mcstuffins" for Disney Junior
* Looping for TV shows "Unreal" "The Flash" and "House of Cards"
* McDonald's Commercial featuring "Smurfette" for "Smurfs: The Lost Village" promo (Voice match for Demi Lovato)
* Video Game -- Smurfs: The Lost Village as "Smurfette"
Voice Over for Actors-- Kalmensen & Kalmensen
Voice- Bob Corff
Voice Coaching-- Lauren Adams
Voice Over workout group-- Bill Holmes
Voice Over-- Private Coach-- Leigh Gilbert
Voice Over Animation -- Pat Fraley
Voice Over Animation-- Debi Derryberry
Voice Over Animation -- Ginny McSwain
Voice Over Animation -- Sara Sherman
Looping -- Terri Douglas
Looping -- Johnny Gidcomb
Looping -- Mark Sussman
Looping on The Flash, Unreal and House of Cards
I have easy access to studios that are very close by.
Please visit my actor sites here:
Thank you!