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Michael Troughton
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Michael Troughton
Story teller, soft, friendly, characterful, mellifluous
Last online5 years ago
Michael Troughton
Story teller, soft, friendly, characterful, mellifluous
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:45 - Total samples: 8
Michael Troughton - 0:24
Insider dealing
Michael Troughton - 0:24
Inspector Caton mysteries
Michael Troughton - 0:27
Top Model
Michael Troughton - 0:13
How the Birds changed their feathers
Michael Troughton - 1:36
The box
Michael Troughton - 1:52
Patrick Troughton Biography
Michael Troughton - 0:57
Star Core
Michael Troughton - 0:48
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About Michael
Member sinceJun 16, 2016
LocationLondon, UK (GMT +1)
My straight narration voice has been described as soft, friendly, articulate and mellifluous.
It has a wide range which is very useful for creating a large variety of interesting characters.
I am also able to create a multitude of vocal sound effects and do numerous accents from the UK and around the world.
Specialities include - audio books, education, animation, business and podcasting.
I have worked in TV, radio, in-house, advertising, audio book production and on web based material.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
Son of Patrick Troughton, I have been a UK actor, writer and voice artist for over 30 years and have appeared in many films, television dramas, and radio/voice productions.
This includes being a regular member of the BBC radio performers' community, reading many abridged and unabridged books, acting in a large variety of dramas, and providing numerous character voices for promotional material. Other voice work includes cartoon characterisations, commercial adverts and video commentary narration.
Best known for my role as Piers Fletcher Dervish in the British TV comedy The New Statesman.
I have completed 15 payperhour audio books in the last two years for Audible through ACX.
Recent Narration/voice word
- The Great Protector by Kathryn Le Veque (ACX)
- The Last Citadel by Kevin Ashman (ACX)
- Khu: A Tale of Ancient Eygypt by Jocelyn Murray (ACX)
- Biography of Patrick Troughton (Non-fiction)
- How the Birds changed their Feathers by Joanna Melling (Children's fiction)
- Lords of the Red Planet by Brian Hayes (Science fiction)
- Pottibots (Various animated characters)
- Percy and the Quark by Michael Troughton (Teenage novel)
- Around the Moon by Jules Verne (Science fiction abridged dramatisastion)
- From Earth to Moon by Jules Verne (Science fiction abridged dramatisastion)
- Counter Measures by Ken Bentley (Dramatised science fiction)
- Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian (BBC Drama playing Jack Aubrey)
- Paradise Lost in Space by Colin Swash (BBC Science fiction))
- Prydain ACX
- Backwash ACX
- Passion of a Maquess ACX
- numerous ad stings
- Educational VO Cytec
- Instructional video
I trained at the Arts Theatre in London for two years under the direction of Mateylok Gibbs and my career has concentrated on film TV and voice work.
I have my own fully equipped home studio which enables fast turn around and ease of production. I use Adobe Auditions and Audacity to edit and master finished work. Special effects, music, atmospheric backing are all possible.