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Michael Braun
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Michael Braun
Diverse and Smooth
Last online14 years ago
Michael Braun
Diverse and Smooth
Last online14 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:56 - Total samples: 4
Androids Demo
Michael Braun - 0:59
Normal Speaking Voice
Michael Braun - 0:25
Phone Recording Demo
Michael Braun - 0:12
Tipsy Quik
Michael Braun - 3:19
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About Michael
Member sinceFeb 13, 2010
My voice is commonly referred to as a smooth radio voice. I can also manipulate my voice to any project that I am working on. My range can float between tenor, baritone, and bass, depending on the requirements. Also, I can preform many popular character voices from different media, including many that I have created myself.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
I can perform many different voices modified by tone, accent, dialects, and emotions. As a kid, I perfected a cartoon voice which I use in projects to this day. My accents that I can perform include Southern, Jersey, "Surfer", Minnesotan, Midwestern, Chicagoan, Mexican, Brazilian, Norwegian, Russian, Italian, English, Irish, French, South African, Middle Eastern, Jewish, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Australian and German. Impersonations that I am comfortable with include Andy Circus' Gollum, Kermit the Frog, Many Star Wars Characters (Including, Yoda, Chewbacca, Han Solo, and other aliens), Nathan Explosion from Metalocalypse, a number of characters from Homestar Runner, Miss Piggy, Chivalrous Knights, Old Wizened Wizards, Monstrous Sidekicks (Ala Igor), Keanu Reeves (A number of characters), Desperado, Sheriff, Nerd and Jock. I can also make many nonsense noises, including alien and fantasy languages and utterances.
What sets me apart from many other voice actors is that my voice is very versatile, but still practiced in many of my characters.
Experience, training, and equipment
Imagine sitting in your room, getting ready to view a friends show that they had been practicing for many months. Now imagine that your phone is ringing, a worried voice on the other line, exasperated and hurried, calling in a huge favor. Imagine, running across a campus of 40,000 and getting a script shoved into your hands, minutes before the show goes up. The director explains that the lead has lost his voice, and since the blocking is so intense, the only way to go on with the show is to have a voice over for the entire show. That fell squarely on my shoulders, and it became my first true voice over "job".
My voice over experience is mostly from shows and short films produced in my theater troupe. I have also lent my voice to family productions. My voice acting for shows has included voice overs for narration, radio announcers, ghost noises, and dubbing for an actor who had lost his voice. I have also been an announcer for a number of award shows, and had a successful Speech Team career in high school.
I have also recorded a few songs with friends using recording equipment.
I have been in over 40 productions, including 6 musicals. These productions range from children plays to the most difficult of Shakespeare shows, from student written, to David Mamet. I have also been student films, in where I lent my voice for narration, and for voice overs for a character with a gas mask. Also, my experience with speeches and speech writing from High School Forensics and school requirements make me an ideal candidate for any straight reading.
I have a boom mic, along with recording equipment on my computer, which would make recording simple, and easy to transmit. This includes RecordPad, WavePad, and VRS multichannel voice recorder.
Similar to what I have written before, I have experience in speeches, speech writing, music recording, singing, acting and manipulating my voice among other skills. I am also ready to begin immediately and have a flexible schedule. I look forward to working with you.