With much humility and flattery aside, I have been fortunate in being immediately commissioned to do voice-over work upon entering jobs in radio broadcasting in addition to having regular responsibilites.
Staples Inc. - Commercial
National Spot
Commercial Voice-Over Work WKRK-FM, Detroit
2005-2007 With clients including but not limited to: National City Bank, FOX, NBC, ABC Warehouse, The History Channel, AOL, Miramax, and more!
On-Air Talent (Classic Hits Format) WDTW-FM, Detroit 2004-2005
Commercial Voice-Over Work WKQI-FM, Detroit
University of Detroit Mercy, B.A. Communications
In university study, I completed various seminars and projects relating to voice talent and developing skills using voice for independent documentary projects, official university sanctioned narration, and independent university radio.
Rode NT1-A Microphone
ART Tube MP PreAmp
Sony VAIO AR370
Adobe Audition 1.5 and 2.0
Ability to produce audio same day for any project!
I have quite Advanced Computer and Audio Editing Skills including excellent knowledge in operation of Adobe Audition Software for the immediate and effective production of voice tracks.
In radio production I posess a commanding knowledge of digital audio editing using Orban Professional Audio Editors, Shortcut Audio Editors, Prophet Systems NexGen, and AudioVault Automation Systems.
Advanced Computer Applications and Website Design Training and Experience using a Windows based platform, with extensive knowledge of Macromedia composition products including Dreamweaver and Flash.