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Mel Proctor
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Mel Proctor
good range/deep masculine to soft and sensitive
Last online6 years ago
Mel Proctor
good range/deep masculine to soft and sensitive
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:14 - Total samples: 3
Mel Proctor 2010
Mel Proctor - 0:59
sports promos
Mel Proctor - 1:04
Basketball play-by-play
Mel Proctor - 4:09
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About Mel
Member sinceMar 1, 2004
My signature voice is warm, reassuring, quietly matter-of-fact, wise,sophisticated, dry/wry. Also, folksy blue collar side
My style is similar to Ed Grover, Fredd Gwynne, Tom Bodette, Mason Adams and Gene Hackman.
Since I have been a TV-radio sportscaster for years, I can do play-by-play of any sport or be quietly dramatic.
My style is appropriate for anything "All-American" or "Downhome" (Ford, Chevy, Bank of America, Kellogg Cereal, Quaker Oats, beer, apple pie, etc. Guy products or anything representing strength or toughness (trucks, SUV's, Die Hard batteries, razor blades, Penzoil and home owner products (hardware, Home Depot, Sears, Century 21 real estate etc.)
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
25 years radio and tv Sports broadcasting, play-by-play all sports, including NBA, MLB and NFL, boxing.
Commercial and voiceover experience-client list available upon request
acting-TV and movies
Robert Wald Actor's Studio-Los Angeles/San Diego
Kalmenson and Kalmenson Working Pro Workshop/Los Angeles
Lauren Adams Voiceover Workshop-Los Angeles
I have my own home studio with Harlan Hogan's Porta Booth and Sennheiser e835 microphone, and Audacity recording and editing system.