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max howarth
max howarth
Distinctive, characterful and charming Scottish (British) Voice Actor
Last online9 days ago
Response time2 hours
max howarth
Distinctive, characterful and charming Scottish (British) Voice Actor
Response time2 hours
Last online9 days ago
Playlists (6)
2023 Reels
Duration: 3:01 - Total samples: 1
Max Howarth Commercials Reel 2023
max howarth - 3:01
All my samples
Duration: 23:02 - Total samples: 24
Commercials Reel 2019
max howarth - 2:03
Explainers Reel 2019
max howarth - 1:24
Wild Utah – David Attenborough Style
max howarth - 0:39
Scottish Accents Reel 2019
max howarth - 1:41
Compliance IVR
max howarth - 0:17
Jaguar XKRS
max howarth - 0:09
Logitech Keep Playing
max howarth - 0:55
Game Lore Aristocrat
max howarth - 0:15
Male AI Voice
max howarth - 0:28
Philipsburg Audio Guide
max howarth - 0:32
Commercials Reel
max howarth - 2:04
BMW XDrive
max howarth - 0:08
Explainer Video Reel
max howarth - 1:35
Narration Reel
max howarth - 1:49
e-Learning & Training
max howarth - 1:14
Schoffel 200 Million Steps
max howarth - 0:58
max howarth - 1:11
Human Aid Charity TVC
max howarth - 0:21
Irish Accents Reel
max howarth - 1:14
Deep voiced Viking
max howarth - 0:17
Game Trailers & Characters
max howarth - 1:57
Max Howarth RPG Mysterious Old Man
max howarth - 0:09
Grandfather Storyteller
max howarth - 0:05
Medical Explainers
max howarth - 1:24
2020 Showreels
Duration: 7:02 - Total samples: 3
Duration: 0:14 - Total samples: 1
2021 Highlights
Duration: 0:33 - Total samples: 1
Gentle Narration
Duration: 0:36 - Total samples: 1
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1 Bookings in the last 12 months in the last year
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About max
Member sinceMay 15, 2013
I'm an established (and occasionally highly regarded) voice artist specialising in commercials, explainers, image films, video games, corporates and much more. I've worked with clients on 6 of the 7 continents. Africa, watch out.
I've recently voiced a wonderful film for Pacific Garbage Screening called Plastic Ocean (it's on Vimeo), Garmin's commercial for their latest Forerunner range featuring Steve Way, lots of trailers and in-game acting as Ballas, Warframe's Orokin Executor, a beautiful Christmas ad for SuperBrugsen and some really nice work for Xero Software.
You can also hear me on the gorgeous Schoffel ad from Samen, the World of Good film from GAdventures and two films about a pair of Scottish companies whose products are famous all over the globe: Holland & Sherry, the makers of the finest cloths in the world, and The Glenlivet, one of the world's most famous Scotch Whiskys.
I'm based in an audio post production facility with ISDN, Source Connect Pro (and Now), CleanFeed, ipDTL, Skype and, if you're desperate, a phone patch.
To book you can email me: or send me a message here.
Skills and services offered
English - Scotland
English - Irish
English - Other
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
Phone patch
Experience, training, and equipment
Recent clients include Nestlé Extreme, Netgear, Mazars, Graham Construction, Van2Share, Elkanodata, Cancer Research UK, IKEA, Level Cases, VAT Group, World Bank, Cloud In A Box, vmWare, Amaro Lucano, NHS, Aldi, Quotient, Halliburton, Metrotile, Superdrug, myrobotcenter, Sigma Systems, Garden Gourmet, Patient Memoirs, Sophos XG, N3 Engine Overhaul Services, ProChlor, Johnnie Walker, SuperBrugsen, Art of War: Red Tides, University of York, Sunflare, Ricoh, Greentripper, RxAdvance, EuroFIT, AdBoss, Hilti, IRI, HSS, Gates, Microsoft EPG, Linkdex, BBI Poland, Ansell, Vendelanotte, Grand Tour of Switzerland, Accenture, Proviron, Knapp, Itaú Bank,, Wilson Legal Solutions, Gazprom, HotelGenius, Huawei, Corning Life Sciences, Atlas VR, Mercedes Benz Germany, Intersnack, ILVO, Renogy, IRIS (GIIN), Ticto, ACI Worldwide, Azamara, Dentons, Dinalog, Dacia, Contec, SDL, Digital Extremes: Warframe, 1-800-Contacts, Alcon, Brussels Airport, Holland & Sherry, Glenlivet, Castrol, Sage Valley Invitational, Covance, Atieva, Hello Bank!, Deme, The Protein Works, Export Tree, Zoetis, Lexus Korea, Molecular Life, McKinsey, Crion, Ricoh, Getz Pharma, Fairchild Semiconductor, Guidebase, Browne Jacobson, Complyfile, Massimo Dutti, Market America, ADMA-OPCO, MyPA, EuroControl, Kaiser Partner, UBS, Thomson Reuters, GE, VMware, Bottomline Technologies, Roche, BP, High Museum of Art, NorthernWolf Capital, SensaTrac, Oxelo Klick Scooter, Securisent, BostonScientific, Schoffel, Schreder, HM Clause, BoxWorks, GAdventures,, CSC DataCenter, Plutus Commerce, GoldCleats, Global Food Safety Partnership, AmEx, InnovationHub, Knight Moves, Canterbury, HarperCollins, InnovationHub, Tweek, Ladbrokes, Diageo, Williams and Glyn, Inside Matters 3D X-ray, Smurfit Kappa, IPEC, BrickForce, Pulse Foundation, Collective Bias, Moovit, Connect Accounting, VoIPStudio, Casa Luker, simplifund, Watermark Volume, ARC MedTemp, Lloyds of London, World Cancer Day, Land Rover UAE, Xactware, Accor Hotels, UserReport, AirEnglish, BrusselsCargo, TIG, Deveton, UserReport, Castledene, Fendt,, Xaxis, The California Shutter Company, Stihl & Viking, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Rockfon, Shell, Fujitsu, WWF, Kyani, Rolex, BBC, ITV, Dell, Unimasters, Scorpion Helmets, Kantar, Shipley, KwikFit, RBS, SureMobile, Irn Bru, Vets4Pets, ESPC, Teletext, Direct Holidays and Linn HiFi products – the finest audio systems in the world.