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Matthew Gibbs
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Matthew Gibbs
Last online3 years ago
Matthew Gibbs
Last online3 years ago
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About Matthew
Member sinceOct 23, 2018
Skills and services offered
English - Australian
Voice gender & age
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Phone patch
Experience, training, and equipment
I love my voice and I take good care of it. Now, it's increasingly taking better care of me.
Firstly, I'm a singer. I participated in all school choirs throughout every year of school and I have been beatboxing since the age of 10 competing in Hollywood throughout high school. I grew up in Australia, so those weren't cheap flights for a school student.
To pay my way I used my studio to provide voiceovers for Improve Group Learning Solutions (Brisbane, QLD, Australia based training provider) for their online learning system. Since then (2013) I have used my home studios - wherever I am - to provide voiceovers for them in an increasingly professional manner. These enormous amounts of hours gave me the playing ground to improve my voice, my recording techniques, my editing, and polish to become the professional voice over artist I am today. These are long form training tools on many topics of which I am still providing voiceovers for today.
I have provided voice overs for TV adverts in Cairns, QLD, Australia for Jump Mania Trampoline Park. And also their promotional videos on their social media platforms.
Wether it's professional, instructional voice overs or playful, high energy, social media ads. I have the ability, skill, and care for my voice to perform any role.
Translate Italian to English.
Write, produce unique song for background of voice over or for an independently commissioned bumper.