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Matthew Schofield
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Matthew Schofield
Young, Affable and Fresh
Last online10 years ago
Matthew Schofield
Young, Affable and Fresh
Last online10 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:02 - Total samples: 5
Matthew Schofield - 0:59
Matthew Schofield - 0:56
TV Promo
Matthew Schofield - 0:37
Matthew Schofield - 0:23
Travel Guide
Matthew Schofield - 1:05
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About Matthew
Member sinceNov 19, 2010
A light youthful British male voice. Soft contemporary with a hint of the English north west.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
British English, Lancashire, Liverpool (Scouse)
Experience, training, and equipment
Recently starting out as a voiceover artist after looking into the world of radio adverts and radio/television continuity, I came across the voiceover masterclass and realised this was something I should've done many years ago! I look forward to developing my voice and building up a bank of many satisfied customers.
Gary Terzza vomasterclass, amateur dramatics class.
Dell Personal computer, pop shield, Shure C606 Unidirectional microphone with stand, Sony MDR-570LP stereo headphones, Blue "Icicle" microphone to USB converter and Pre-amp, Audacity digital recording and editing software, designated recording area with sound-proofing aids.
As a registered adult nurse by day, I regularly come in to contact with voices of all cultures, ages of both sexes, in numerous accents from around the world, that change sometimes on a daily basis. I am often able to imitate these "spot-on" as reported by (some ) of my colleagues, much to their amusement.
In previous work in large department stores, although employed initially as a Sales Assistant, I eventually always was offered roles as a Store Switchboard operator and personal addresses system announcer, utilising my vocal talents.