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Marissa Lenti
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Marissa Lenti
Friendly, Crisp, Warm, Smooth, Girl Next Door
Last online3 years ago
Marissa Lenti
Friendly, Crisp, Warm, Smooth, Girl Next Door
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:30 - Total samples: 5
Animation Demo
Marissa Lenti - 1:00
Video Game Demo
Marissa Lenti - 1:00
Political Demo
Marissa Lenti - 0:58
Commercial Demo
Marissa Lenti - 1:00
Audiobook Sample
Marissa Lenti - 1:31
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About Marissa
Member sinceSep 17, 2013
Versatile. Marissa can play a variety of ages including children (both male and female), teens, young women, and middle-aged women. Her voice can be warm, friendly, crisp, perky, mysterious, confident, commanding, professional- and can ride the scale between deep and mature and high-pitched and bouncy.
Some of Marissa's recent voice clients include Verizon, Samsung, Frito-Lay, Walmart, Nikon, ADT, Hasbro, and DirecTV.
The Janux promo video that Marissa voiced won a Gold Addy award in 2014.
Marissa has been acting for over 10 years, and she's done character and commercial work for several clients on radio spots, TV commercials, trailers, movie work, explainer videos, teasers, and audio plays.
Client List: Verizon, Samsung, Frito-Lay, Walmart, Nikon, ADT, Hasbro, DirecTV, Volkswagen of Alamo Heights, MEDA, WSI, Overkill Software, Camp Pixel, Majic 95.1, & over 100 others!
"At once versatile and creatively unique, Marissa Lenti provides a professional and utterly reliable service. She takes her commitments very seriously, and her positive and charming demeanor makes her a treat to work with." - Thoughtless Productions
Commercial Voice-Over Coaching: Dorothy Gallagher & Brian McKeever
Animation Voice-Over Coaching: Crispin Freeman
Video Game Voice-Over Coaching: Kyle Hebert
Anime Voice-Over Coaching: Jay Snyder
Speech & Acting Training: Emerson College
Musical Theater Coaching: Wendy Taubman
All work is recorded in Marissa's personal studio on a Shure KSM42.
Live theater experience, on-camera experience, 10+ years.