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Marc Thompson
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Marc Thompson
Young,Versatile, Energetic, Character, Narrator,
Last online17 years ago
Marc Thompson
Young,Versatile, Energetic, Character, Narrator,
Last online17 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:29 - Total samples: 3
Marc Thompson - 1:18
Narration Promos
Marc Thompson - 0:52
Marc Thompson - 1:18
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About Marc
Member sinceMar 15, 2004
British, German, French, Australian, Russian, Southern, Brooklyn, Surfer, nerd, and many others.
I also do many celebrity impersonations.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Experience, training, and equipment
I have been doing voice overs for over 10 years. Most of my clients are so pleased with my work, they end up hiring me on a regular basis. My voice has been used in Radio, websites, videogames, commercials and dozens of different Cartoons on TV right now.
Some of them include:
The WB's "Yu-gui-oh" - (Duke, Valon, Raphael)
MTV's "Daria" - (Kevin, Mr. Demartino, Mr. Oneil)
Cartoon Network's "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" -
(Casey, Damiyo, Drako, Juto,)
I have a BFA in Acting from NYU Tisch School of the Arts.
I have over 10 years experience voice acting in Radio, Commercials and Cartoons.
I am an excellent mimic. If there is someone you want me to sound like or impersonate, chances are I can do it.
I take direction well.
I record on an Audio-Technica Cardiod Condenser Microphone, and edit with Pro-tools.