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Lewis Arlt
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Lewis Arlt
Authentic engaging warm
Last online4 years ago
Lewis Arlt
Authentic engaging warm
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 10:14 - Total samples: 8
"Granny Dan," by Danielle Steel
Lewis Arlt - 1:15
Lewis Arlt - 1:14
Narration dramatic - Desert Storm
Lewis Arlt - 0:49
Narration Dramatic - Moscow Nightlife
Lewis Arlt - 0:42
Narration comedic - Dolley Madison
Lewis Arlt - 1:05
Narration Sympathetic - Judy Garland
Lewis Arlt - 0:47
Lewis Arlt - 3:32
Lewis Arlt - 0:47
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About Lewis
Member sinceAug 22, 2016
My voice is energetic and clear, or intimate and evocative, providing a focussed authority and warm confidence. I offer a collaborative, professional approach to every project.
For Commercials: friendly, approachable, honest, and empathetic.
For Narration: Smooth, rich and seasoned, offering articulate phrasing and elegant styling.
My corporate delivery is sincere, trustworthy and accessible.
From my studio in Woodstock, NY, I provide high quality finished recordings in mp3 and WAV formats.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
English - British
Experience, training, and equipment
Building on a 35 year theatre and television career, performing extensively on Broadway, around the country, and NY recording studios, I narrated the NatGeo documentary "Deep Water, Big Trouble," recounting Peter Benchley's return to the world of sharks, in which he concluded they were a far cry from the monster in "Jaws."
I voiced the audiobook of Danielle Steel's "Granny Dan," a moving account of her grandmother's early career as a prima ballerina, and her escape from revolutionary Russia to the United States.
Carnegie-Mellon University, BFA Drama
SuchAVoice Training: Alan Schwartz, Jolene Derks, Nancy Wilson
Coaching: Lau Lapides, Pat Fraley
Performed extensively on Broadway, television, regionally, and NY recording studios, worked with luminaries Sam Waterson, Glenn Close, Vanessa Redgrave, Jude Law, Jeremy Irons, Campbell Scott, et al.
Scarlett Studio CM25
MacBook Air; Audacity
Interface: Focusrite Scarlett Solo
Delivery MP3, WAV
Proximity to New York allows in-person studio session if required.