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Lee Jolly
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Lee Jolly
Authoritative, friendly, humorous, guy next door
Last online16 years ago
Lee Jolly
Authoritative, friendly, humorous, guy next door
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:17 - Total samples: 1
radio spot sampler
Lee Jolly - 1:17
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About Lee
Member sinceJun 15, 2004
LocationHouston, TX, USA (GMT -5)
Flexible voice - deep and authoritative, warm and friendly, conversational and fun. Character voices and cartoon voices no problem!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Houston, TX, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
I was a morning disc jockey in Houston, Texas from 1974 - 1991. Along the way I have done scripts for everything from screaming auto dealer radio/TV spot ads to medical training film narration, including telephone on hold messaging and voicemail recordings. I also have extensive experience as a master of ceremonies.
My major in college was music education, with a minor in English. Although I do not have a degree, I have learned to write and voice ad copy and narration through 30 years of on-the-job training. Not only can I voice your script, I can help you polish your writing!
I record digitally through a Lexicon Omega, using DBX limiter, Avalon compressor, Neumann U87-ai microphone, and Adobe Audition recording software.
I have my own studio with professional grade equipment adjacent to my residence.