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Lauren Walker
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Lauren Walker
Girl Next Door, Bubbly, Warm, Friendly, Confident
Last online16 years ago
Lauren Walker
Girl Next Door, Bubbly, Warm, Friendly, Confident
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:27 - Total samples: 6
LWalker Clean Clear
Lauren Walker - 0:31
LWalker Commercial
Lauren Walker - 0:14
LWalker HM Promo
Lauren Walker - 0:16
LWalker Noxzema
Lauren Walker - 0:08
LWalker Little Mermaid
Lauren Walker - 0:37
LWalker Audiobook
Lauren Walker - 0:38
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About Lauren
Member sinceJan 29, 2008
I have a very fun girl next door voice for commercials and can also be a great teenager and young adult. I have a bubbly fun voice with a lot of confidence. I can also do teen and children voices.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female young adult
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
I am a young mom to three gorgeous little ones. I started acting and doing voice overs when I was 16 years old and was signed with a very prestigious agency in NYC. I have experience doing voice overs for Public Service announcements for radio and TV as well as commercial voice over work. I have been in many national TV commercials including Charmin, Noxema, Mattel, Brownberry Bread (full list upon request). My Television work includes various Soap Operas including the character of Heather (a teenager) on One Life to Live (full list upon request). I am also a singer trained in Musical Theater and have performed in many Cabarets in New York City.
I attended the two year Meisner Program at the School for Film & Television in NYC where I took voice over courses along with many other types of on and off camera courses. I have also had many private sessions.
I am a singer trained in Musical Theater and have had extensive voice and performance training.
I also have a Bachelor of Arts degree from New York University. I graduated in 2000.
I have my own home studio which includes a MCL 990 USB Microphone. I use Audacity and can edit and manipulate files which can then be exported to an MP3 or WAV file and email you your projects within hours.
I am a young mom and am good and knowledgeable at anything that has to do with parenting. I can talk fast, wiggle my ears and can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order in under 15 seconds! I am confident and can do anything I put my mind to.