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Lauren Kelly
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Lauren Kelly
Down-to-earth, hip, smart, warm, girl next door
Last online8 years ago
Lauren Kelly
Down-to-earth, hip, smart, warm, girl next door
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:01 - Total samples: 3
Commercial Demo
Lauren Kelly - 1:07
Animation / Video Game Demo
Lauren Kelly - 1:25
Narration Demo
Lauren Kelly - 0:28
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About Lauren
Member sinceFeb 17, 2014
LocationSan Francisco, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Relatable, intelligent, warm and laid-back for commercials. Energetic and warm for promos. Professional, hip and confident for narration. Diverse character abilities for animation, commercial and audiobook.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
San Francisco, CA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
British (upper class), British (Cockney), Irish, Eastern European, Southern US.
Experience, training, and equipment
Recent clients and projects include:
-Pandora Marketing
2015 TOP Voice San Francisco (Voicetrax SF)
I have trained at Voicetrax SF since May 2009. In my six years of training I have studied all aspects of voiceover with a special emphasis on commercial, animation, and video game work. I am also highly interested in promo work.
I have an extensive collegiate theater background. A player in both improvisation and sketch comedy groups, I have also taught numerous improv workshops and worked as a teaching assistant for my school's beginning improvisation course. My theatrical coursework includes acting methods and advanced improvisation. My favorite scripted production I was a part of in college was a rendition of 'Arsenic and Old Lace' in which I played the roles of Teddy, Dr. Einstein and Lieutenant Rooney.
I have a B.A. in Environmental Anthropology and an M.A. in Communication - Media Studies from Stanford University.
I have a home studio equipped with an AKG Perception 220 professional studio microphone and Blue Microphones Icicle XLR to USB Mic converter/ preamp.
I use Twisted Wave to record and work with files on a Macbook Pro.
My turnaround time is 24-36 hours.
Strong background in improvisation, sketch comedy and scripted theater. I also have marketing and editorial work experience for startups.