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Kim Stewart
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Kim Stewart
Raspy, Sexy, Up Beat, Husky, Persuasive, mom
Last online5 years ago
Kim Stewart
Raspy, Sexy, Up Beat, Husky, Persuasive, mom
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:06 - Total samples: 6
Commercial Demo 1
Kim Stewart - 0:57
Commercial Variety Demo
Kim Stewart - 0:59
Audio Books/ Business Pres
Kim Stewart - 1:00
Phone Systems and Narrative
Kim Stewart - 1:04
Kim Stewart - 1:04
Audio Books and Narration
Kim Stewart - 1:00
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About Kim
Member sinceFeb 29, 2008
Raspy, Sexy, Vibrant, Persuasive, Friendly, Encouraging, Deep, Smoky, Sultry, Fun, Positive, Informative, Light Hearted, Animated, mom, snobby friend, teen girl, elderly, sassy, up tight, freaked out customer, sales person calming freaked out customer, light, informative, persuasive, super excited, voice of reason, business presentations, company training films, PSA, kid friendly, Adenoidal, appealing, breathy, brittle, croaky, roat, dead, disembodied, flat, fruity, grating, gravelly, gruff, guttural, high-pitched, hoarse, honeyed, husky, low, matter-of-fact, modulated, monotonous, nasal, orotund, penetrating, plummy, quietly, raucous, ringing, rough, shrill, silvery, singsong, small, smoky, softly spoken, soft-spoken, sotto voce, stentorian, strangled, strident, taut, thick, thickly, thin, throaty, tight, toneless, tremulous, wheezy, wobbly, booming, quavering, a voice like a foghorn, in an undertone, someone’s dulcet
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Experience, training, and equipment
National and Local spots for Levis, Purina, Airtran Airways, Mazda, Hertz, Med Spas, Weight Loss clients, Kids products, Salons, Health Clubs, Night Clubs, Ford, YMCA,...etc.
I've played everything from mom to snobby friend, teen girl, elderly, sassy, up tight, freaked out customer, manager calming freaked out customer, light, informative, persuasive, excited, animated...etc.
I have a B.S. in Radio, Television, and Film from the University of Texas at Austin. I've mentored students from the National Broadcasters Network out of LA and have been on-air and doing commercials for 19 years in Dallas, San Diego, and Austin. Nationally syndicated for 3 years with Radio Disney as the Kim portion of the "Kim and Dean Show".
I love new challenges and a variety of types of acting so I hope to get the chance to shine for you. Feel free to email me if I can answer any questions for you.
*Degree from the University of Texas in Austin in Radio, Television, and Film
*On-air and doing commercials constantly for 16 years
*Trained with Pat Fraley while with Radio Disney
*On-air Nationally Syndicated with Radio Disney for 3 years
*Frequently Emcee various charity events
*Constantly train on changing demographics and what appeals to each in particular
*Trained with Lorna Ozmon for my Morning Show
Mic: EV RE27 N/D
Equipment and editing software: Adobe Audition
Business Presentations and Corporate Videos·Character Voices and Cartoon Voice Actors·Educational Videos and e-Learning·Internet·Jingles·Movie Trailers·Narration and Documentaries·Podcasts and Podcasting Voices·Radio Commercials·Radio Imaging and Station Identification·Telephone System Recordings, Voicemail and On-Hold·Television Commercials·Television Imaging and Station Identification·Video Game Voices, Computer Game Voices