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Kim Douglas
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Kim Douglas
Upbeat and warm
Last online16 years ago
Kim Douglas
Upbeat and warm
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 9:08 - Total samples: 5
Upbeat Testimonial
Kim Douglas - 0:57
Adult Contemporary Aircheck
Kim Douglas - 4:44
Radio Whispers
Kim Douglas - 0:10
Adult Contemporary Entertainment
Kim Douglas - 1:41
Kim Douglas - 1:34
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About Kim
Member sinceJan 17, 2008
For the most part my voiceover work can be upbeat and warm. I have also been known to do some "sexy" reads but can also be straight forward and authoritative for professional voice over jobs.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
My list of of voice over artist work extends from radio, as a dj and talk show host to the "voice" of a Philadelphia HD radio station. My list of endorsement spots and testimonials for clients is extensive and I've done corporate training cd's/dvd's and on hold messages as well.
My BA in Communications at Temple University is what gave me the jump on my radio/on air and voice talent career.
My continuation in the radio and television industry is what keeps me in the game and always ready for fun and a new challenge with any client.
Home studio with mic, mixer and adobe audition for easy recording and processing.
Aside from radio, promotions, marketing and sales I have a love for fitness, healthy eating, yoga and training in the martial arts. I've also done a how to audio cd on wood breaking! Other than that, I'm a proud parent of a teenager, love doing things with her and all things girlie, spa days, shopping, etc! I also recently got my PA real estate license.