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KC Wright
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KC Wright
Upbeat, Cheerful, Quirky, Young, Fast-Paced
Last online11 years ago
KC Wright
Upbeat, Cheerful, Quirky, Young, Fast-Paced
Last online11 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 1:54 - Total samples: 1
KC Wright VO Demo
KC Wright - 1:54
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About KC
Member sinceNov 29, 2013
Young and upbeat, Quirky and funny, Sweet, Warm and relatable, Excited and fun, Silly, Character voices
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female young adult
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
British RP, British Cockney, Southern Bell, Texas Broad, Brooklyn Girl, Valley Girl, California Surfer Chick, Ditzy Girl, High-Strung Woman, Overly Excited Girl, 1940s Radio Hour Voice, Old School Movie Star, Fast Talking, Congested, Humorously Emotional, Seriously Emotional
Experience, training, and equipment
I got my start in voiceover while earning my BFA at Carnegie Mellon. My Voice and Speech teacher (voiceover actress Natalie Baker-Shirer) recommended me for a small job recording a character text-to-speech voice for Cepstral LLC. That summer I spent many hours in front of my computer microphone recording 20,000 word and sentence prompts in an "Overly Excited Teen" voice. I moved to LA after graduating and spent three years learning the ins and outs of the West Coast film and TV business. After getting my fill of California, I moved to New York in 2012; I primarily work as a theatre actress, but can be seen onscreen in "Boardwalk Empire," horror film "Eaglewalk," and upcoming indie "The Wine of Summer" among other things. I also produce and co-host a weekly acting podcast called "hurryupandwait," available for free download on iTunes.
Carnegie Mellon University- BFA, Acting
Voice- Janet Madelle Feindel
Speech- Natalie Baker-Shirer
Voiceover- Natalie Baker-Shirer
Dialects and Accents- Natalie Baker-Shirer, Don Wadsworth
Acting- Barbara Mackenzie-Wood, Ingrid Sonnichson, Anthony McKay, Matt Gray
Backstage U. Commercial Voiceover- Johnny Heller
Upright Citizens Brigade (Improv)- Julie Brister, Brett Christensen
Lesly Kahn and Company (LA)- Lesly Kahn, Kristina Sexton, Charles Haid
The Shakespeare School (Stratford, ON)
The Theatre Lab (DC)- Deb Gottesman, Buzz Mauro
Podcast - "hurryupandwait: the podcast for actors who are in it for the long haul"
Creator, Producer, Editor, Cohost
(Garage Band, Libsyn, Audio Editing Skills)
Blue Yeti mic, Pop Filter, Soundproofing, Basic Editing Software
Good with kids, Knowledge of food/cooking/wine terms, public radio fanatic