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Kathy Long
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Kathy Long
warm friendly professional natural medical/tech.
Last online13 years ago
Kathy Long
warm friendly professional natural medical/tech.
Last online13 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 8:15 - Total samples: 8
Kathy Long - 2:08
Medical/technical Narration
Kathy Long - 0:58
Autumn House Retirement Home
Kathy Long - 1:01
Pleasant View
Kathy Long - 0:59
Builders Home Show
Kathy Long - 0:59
phone greeting
Kathy Long - 0:24
Kathy Long - 1:10
Medical e-learning
Kathy Long - 0:34
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About Kathy
Member sinceNov 2, 2009
Warm and friendly, mom-like
Deep, sophisticated for high-end retail or professional business Phone greetings and on-hold messages
Soft or hard sell energy for commercial copy
Credible, natural, relaxed conversational voice for narrations
Very smooth professional and deliberate straight reads for e-learning, instructional or technical copy.
Expressive, engaging, and energetic
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
Can use Southern, British, Irish Brogue or New York accents for character commercial reads.
Experience, training, and equipment
Having studied Voice and Theater in college, I began my 30 year career in V.O. work as the voice of a local amusement park on their narrated rides. As a singer and actress, knowing how to breath, enunciate, and project, has been quite beneficial to my V.O. Career. Since that time, I have worked with many local, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and New Jersey studios, and have voiced many commercials, both locally and regionally, now even nationally, for everything from amusement parks (Busch Gardens Williamsburg), to department stores (Bon Ton - Strawbridge and Clothier), food stores (Stauffers, Giant/Martin/Topps food stores), Health Systems (PinnacleHealth, Jefferson University Hospital, Reading Hospital). More recently, I have been the Narrator in many e-learning projects for large (and small) pharmaceutical companies (Wyeth,AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Hoffman-La Roche, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi-Aventis, Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Takeda, Genentech, Novo-Nordisk) for pharma training, and continuing medical education for Doctors and Medical professionals. I also have been a 'guest host' on QVC for the past 6 years, and was employed by QVC as Voice Over talent for their on air promos and advertising.
25+ yrs. Voice-over experience
Sales training for On-Air Shopping Channels (QVC)-Donna Hoffman
several years as an On-air Product Spokes
Several years Vocal Coaching (Thom Houser)
B.A. in Theater and Communications, Westminster College
Singer/Actress- Many roles over many years
TASCAM Interface recording equipment. Shure SM58 microphone. Can record at home, convert to Mp3 files, and send via email, as well as via FTP. Access to local recording studio who are able to transfer sound files in many ways, and have phone patch capabilities. They can also add music, sfx, and edit.
I'm versatile, and take direction well. My composition skills/editing are excellent, and, if asked, I often assist in adjusting copy to make it more readable(and understandable). I take an interest is the subject matter, and want to sound like I am knowledgeable about it- credibility is a great factor. Although I specialize in medical/pharma narrations with medical terms and technical jargon, I can read commercial character lines with expression and credibility as well. I can be a mom, best friend, next door neighbor, senior, professional, doctor, lawyer, nurse or teacher.
Also, as a professional,it is my goal to do my job efficiently and effectively, and will have fun with you as well. With my background in Theater, Acting, Performing, and on-camera sales, I am engaging, energetic, and expressive, and can make even the dryest narration easy to listen to and understandable. Give me a try!