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kathy Holly
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kathy Holly
Strong,musical,Sophisticated, housewife,character,British, French, Italian accents
Last online6 years ago
kathy Holly
Strong,musical,Sophisticated, housewife,character,British, French, Italian accents
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:43 - Total samples: 2
Kathy Holly Commercial
kathy Holly - 1:04
kathy Holly - 1:38
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About kathy
Member sinceNov 8, 2010
LocationSan Francisco, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Warm and Deep for commercials and narrations; Sexy and fun for commercials; comedic timing in readings when needed; sophisticated and professional for any presentation; excellent diction and pronunciation; slight British accent when needed. Able to read and pronounce the French Language as I studied it for many years; and I sing in 8 Languages, although I don't speak them fluently.
Skills and services offered
French - European
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
San Francisco, CA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
British and French accents are strong; German is good; Cockney; "Cruella de Ville" character; little girl character; laughing out loud;
Experience, training, and equipment
I recently did voice over on my CD, "Roundtrip" and sang in many different languages; have done radio spots for Westlake Shopping Center; California Carpet company; and others; Narrated a documentary on Artificial Snow several years ago.
Bachelor of Arts in English; Drama minor; Performances in Professional Theatre, both Children's Theatre and Musicals; Have traveled and worked as an International Singer in China, Korea, Singer-guitarist in Midwestern US, NOrthwestern US; and in the San Francisco Bay Area; Have studied Drama at CBS Studio in Los Angeles; Privately since I was 6 years old; Workshops and classes from Screen Actors Guild and AFTRA; workshops from the voice-over "Queen", Lucille Bliss; and from Voice-One in San Francisco;privately with Voice-Over Producer and writer, Craig Spear; host and produce my own TV show, "Spotlight" in Pacifica, California; Play roles in Mystery Dinner Theatre as an Italian.
I Have Garageband and Audacity and a Mac computer.
I have an extensive resume as a Performing Arts Teacher; Music Director and Music Teacher as well as a performer. My website will display my bio.