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Kathy Barrett
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Kathy Barrett
Friendly, Serious, Upbeat, Sexy, Fun, Positive
Last online1 year ago
Kathy Barrett
Friendly, Serious, Upbeat, Sexy, Fun, Positive
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:33 - Total samples: 5
Kathy Barrett - Commercials
Kathy Barrett - 1:19
Kathy Barrett -Characters
Kathy Barrett - 0:48
Narrations 2
Kathy Barrett - 2:00
A New Life for Rosie
Kathy Barrett - 1:00
Kathy Barrett - 2:25
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About Kathy
Member sinceAug 23, 2012
Heartfelt and Sincere for Narrations
Exciting and Pleasurable for Commercials
Charming and Fun for Commercials
Smooth and Professional for Presentations
Warm and Deep for Documentaries
Confident to attempt any job that comes before me
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
Please listen to my Various Character's Demo
- Little Kid
- Teenage Girl
- Old Lady
- Sultry
- Southern Drawl
- Wicked Witch of the West
Experience, training, and equipment
I have used my Voice professionally for 20 years
I have had professional training with SuchAVoice
- One-on-One Coaching from Ben Marney and Lisa Foster
I Record from a home-based professionally equipped studio
- Focus Rite Pre-Amp
- Rode Microphone
- Rode Pop Filter
- Samson Headphones
Toastmasters International -
I have been a Toastmaster (Front Range Toastmasters Club) since March 2008 - I give speeches and fulfill other roles with clear vocal variety, correct grammar, enunciation and meeting time objectives have prepared me for Voice Overs. I have received many Best Speaker
Karaoke -
I have been singing Karaoke since 1990 and I Love it! Singing in tune and on demand with a strong vocal voice adding feeling to the song has also prepared me for Voice Overs. I have received so many compliments for my singing and voice.
Work Environment -
Paging overhead for the past 20 years - I have been told I have a melodious voice and have rec'd many compliments! I have been told I should work at DIA (Denver International Airport) as well as I sound just like the automated voice overhead at Kohl's when I use to page overhead in 2011.
My voice sounds great when projected with a microphone!