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Katherine Gordon
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Katherine Gordon
Will record any female voice, today.
Last online5 years ago
Katherine Gordon
Will record any female voice, today.
Last online5 years ago
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About Katherine
Member sinceAug 15, 2018
I have been an avid reader all my life, so I love recording audiobooks, plus have a great deal of experience doing public speaking and radio. My narrations are warm and lively, my presentations are polished and professional, and I have a silly sense of humor that comes in handy for animated characters. My voice has been described variously as educated, intelligent, sexy, playful, technical, poetic, authoratative or mysterious.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Mexican
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
Scottish, French, German, Yiddish, Italian, French, Southern US and Native Texan accents. Also: child, animated character, dramatic readings. My voice sounds similar to Kim Kardashian's. Not her biggest fan but it's a fact.
Experience, training, and equipment
One of my favorite clients is EBAA Iron in Eastland, Texas; a major producer of equipment for the fracking industry. In 2014, I recorded a long series of training videos for them that included a lot of tongue-twisting technical descriptions (things like pounds per square inch for valve pressure and ranges of pipe capacity, etc.) I was the third person they hired, as the first two had botched the job. They were so grateful when I was able to finish it well, not only nailing the specs, but maintaining a friendly, conversational tone. Pretty sure they doubted the "little lady" had the moxy! They even invited me back for their anniversary celebration a few months later.
I have recorded numerous ads, training and product videos, television and hosted my own live radio show on the High Plains Network in North Texas for five years. I have done extensive public speaking, mostly advocating for arts education. I have excellent command of the English language and a wide frame of reference. I am gifted at technical instructions and descriptions. I’ve travelled widely and can speak basic Spanish and French. I also am able to pronounce Italian and Latin, Yiddish, Broad Scots and German.
I received formal training in voice and acting at the Fullerton Agency in Oklahoma City in 1997. I also studied theater at Oklahoma City Community college, took a class in videography at the University of Oklahoma, and more recently took private singing lessons for a year.
Blue Yeti microphone and popscreen on shock mount, pop screen, Beats by Dr. Headphones, iMac with sound screen, various recording software such as Audacity. Audio panels on walls to lessen ambient sound/bounce back.
Videography, copywriting, editing, video editing, teaching, coaching, motivating, empathizing. I'm also an artist in oil paint as well as voice.