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Kate Finch
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Kate Finch
Natural, Trustworthy, Intelligent, Dry/Sarcastic
Last online6 years ago
Kate Finch
Natural, Trustworthy, Intelligent, Dry/Sarcastic
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:24 - Total samples: 2
Commercial Demo
Kate Finch - 1:25
Alternate Commercial Demo
Kate Finch - 0:59
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About Kate
Member sinceMay 16, 2011
LocationNew York, NY, USA (GMT -4)
Natural, approachable, 'real'. I have a range of characters and dialects, and am flexible with copy. I have an articulate, intelligent sound, and have no trouble with pronunciation or delivery. For commercial reads, I can do lighthearted and off-the-cuff, or sultry and smooth. I also do well with sarcastic, dry, 'in on the joke' characters.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
New York, NY, USA
Additional vocal abilities
British (London or RP), Scottish, Irish, American regional dialects (Minnesota, Southern, New York, California-blonde). Also conversationally fluent in Spanish.
Experience, training, and equipment
I am a professional actor who has been working in voiceover for ten years. As a member of the New York market, I can both travel to recording studios in the city and deliver clean, edited tracks from home.
As a performer, I have a BFA from Drake University, which included studying abroad at Middlesex University in London. My voiceover training began with Stewart Talent in Chicago. Once I relocated to New York, I studied with Tara Boragine (Diesel Mgmt), Lisa Fischoff and Elizabeth Bunnell (Broadcasters NY), Andy Roth, and Roger Becker.
USB mic (Yeti Pro by Blue)
Audacity and Garageband
Professional home studio
Copy editing, grammar- and spell-checking, proofreading. I have a home studio and can have files delivered as soon as you need them.