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Kate Davis
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Kate Davis
Rich deep precise lyric sophisticated professional
Last online16 years ago
Kate Davis
Rich deep precise lyric sophisticated professional
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 0:59 - Total samples: 1
KateDavis1 Audioguide Intro
Kate Davis - 0:59
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About Kate
Member sinceJan 8, 2009
Welcoming and deep for easy listening. Friendly, warm, upbeat, and intelligent, sounding like someone you can trust. Lyrical and descriptive, with excellent narrative interpretation for fiction and nonfiction. Sophisticated and clear for conveying information. Precise diction and pronounciation for factual material, instructions, field guides, or academics.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Recording and delivery options
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Broad and even Northeastern American, Southern U.S, coarse Italian-American, British
Experience, training, and equipment
Can you say Amblycorypha oblongifolia in a sexy voice? That was my challenge in recording the voiceover for a CD introducing cricket and katydid calls for a Field Guide to Night-Singing Insects of the Northeast (published recently by Stackpole Books). The project required a deep, warm, appealing voice to spice up the text, as well as precise pronunciation of Latin genus and species names, and the creative approximation of some of the insect sounds. "Skriiiitch-it"
I have also recorded character voices for two cassette tapes published and distributed by Weekly Reader Corporation. Here I employed dramatic interpretation to enliven various skit scenearios.
In addition, I have performed poetry readings sponsored by the New York State Council of the Arts, done public-speaking presentations, and frequently read Scripture for broadcast on local cable TV.
I have a degree in English Literature and Theater, and learned vocal interpretation in my college drama courses.
I also have a teaching certificate in English/Lanugage Arts. So I know how words should sound, the correct cadence and syntax of a sentence, the arc of a dramatic story, and the range and tone of emotional expression.
My life-long experience as a choral singer has also given me excellent training in pronunciation and expression. I'm not talking about school glee club here; I have performed in Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Poughkeepsie Opera House, to name a few.
We have rudimentary recording capability in our home office, and are capable of using a basic computer program for adjusting levels and editing. However, I am more comfortable and prefer working in your professional recording studio.
I am a published writer, professional editor, and wordsmith. I compose educational materials in literature, drama, and nonfiction for young adults, and I edit a broad range of written material for adults. I am capable, therefore of suggesting and/or make rewrites in text as may be required.
I take great joy in translating the written word into colorful, vibrant spoken word. I hope I can use my vocal skills to assist you in bringing your project to successful fruition!