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Karen May
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Karen May
Animated, young, high, up-beat, fun, sweet
Last online3 years ago
Karen May
Animated, young, high, up-beat, fun, sweet
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:23 - Total samples: 3
Current Commercial VO Reel
Karen May - 0:59
Animation or Character Reel
Karen May - 1:25
Commercial Reel
Karen May - 1:59
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About Karen
Member sinceMar 17, 2014
Animation, Character, radio, audio book, etc.
Soothing or low pitched for commercials (radio and tv), audio books, presentations, etc.
High pitched for bubbly, happy, airhead, young boy, young girl, old lady, for radio and animation.
Age range: 5-90
Skills and services offered
English - Other
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Male teenager
Female teenager
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Chola/Cholo, Mexican, Country/Southern, Jewish Mother, British/English, Italian, Russian, Unique character voices. For example, I created a character named Furtle or Tish, half fish half turtle, the voice sounds as if I am under water. Most people think the voice is edited till I perform the voice for them.
Experience, training, and equipment
I worked with Clear Channel Radio LA for a year on their IHeart Radio project. I did all their children's voices ranging from age 5-17. Radio spots for COST 103.5 LA, and MY FM 104.3 LA. IHeart Radio Nationwide spot.
Yo Gaba Gaba (Los Angeles Show) Radio Spot. to LA in 2011.
Gardena Nissan - Radio Spot.
Training Day: Voice over - short video
Music Video: I did VO for a comedians music video. Has not been release yet so I cannot release name. TBD....
I am a stand-up comedian and many of my jokes consists of impressions, sound effects, character voices, etc..
Ive taken several imporov classes as well as belonging to a few imporov groups.
I've attended many acting classes including commercial, TV, film, Soap opra.
I have also attended some writing and creative writing classes.
I play the trumpet and guitar and I currently take lessons for both.
I also perform in theater.
I have access to a recording studio, editing equipment, background music and sound effects. I have a smart phone and I can record on my phone and send over. Or, I can record on my laptop.
I am extremely easy to work with and I take direction very well. The producer at Cost 103.5 and MyFM 104.3, he called me the one hit wonder. I'd read the scrip once, read it aloud and usually nail it on the first or second take. He said I was meant to be in voiceovers. I have super thick skin so not a lot gets to me. I have worked on many sets as well as done many voice over spots and I know what it means to be a professional. I'm a team player. I will go above and beyond to make sure the project as a whole is a success. I'll work late, come in on short or no notice, I've worked free to help someone out (I prefer to be paid lol), etc... I worked on the Ghost Whisperer for a year and they called me Sunshine because I have such a happy disposition most all of the time.