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Julie Hartley
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Julie Hartley
Genuine, Sincere, Playful, Animated
Last online4 years ago
Julie Hartley
Genuine, Sincere, Playful, Animated
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:36 - Total samples: 5
Warm, compassionate
Julie Hartley - 0:32
Julie Hartley - 0:40
Hard sell
Julie Hartley - 0:30
Medium sell
Julie Hartley - 0:20
Warm, confident
Julie Hartley - 0:32
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About Julie
Member sinceApr 13, 2012
Genuine and Sincere
Conversational and Natural
Sexy and Playful
Animated and Lively
Skills and services offered
English - South African
English - USA and Canada
English - British
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
British, Irish, North American, Australian, English speaking South African, Afrikaans speaking South African
Cute cartoon characters
Experience, training, and equipment
I started my career as an actress and singer 24 years ago. Voice over followed naturally, and I could not imagine a better job. I love the theatre of the mind which is voice work. It has to be completely accurate, can never be faked. I love the truth of voice work. I have done work ranging from soft sell (American Swiss, Johnson & Johnson, etc) to hard sell (Fruit and Veg City, N1 City Mall) announcers, conversational, characters...over 14 years of experience! (Honda, Woolworths, Ackermans, Santam, Old Mutual, PEP, etc) I have probably experienced every kind of life experience in the studio - in some studios here in Cape Town, I have zero dignity left! Bottom line...I am passionate about voice work! Still do a few stage productions and features, but I am most at home in the studio.
I'm sort of a pavement special! I started work in musical theatre at the age of 16, and never really looked back! I have performed in many musical productions, tv, features, cabaret and commercials. I think an acting background really helps in the voice industry.
Neumann mic
Mac Pro
Pro Tools