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Judi Franco
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Judi Franco
natural,gravelly hip girl, or cool young mom
Last online10 years ago
Judi Franco
natural,gravelly hip girl, or cool young mom
Last online10 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 1:47 - Total samples: 1
Judi Franco - 1:47
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About Judi
Member sinceFeb 20, 2009
That sorta Gravelly, natural cool young mom vibe voice that everyone thinks they want..My voice sounds like a granola commerical looks. (Got that?) Also, it's a Hip, too-cool-for-the-room-yet-somehow you-still-wanna-be-her-friend real girl a-la sarah jessica, sarah silverman etc. for radio and tv imaging. Also, a Serious empathetic lower register, warm and genunine, for public service announcements, hospital narrations, tear jerker narration. And of course, sultry, slightly husky-voiced fun girl you'd like to #@$*, for characters and commercials.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
4 year old child (it's painful, but it's amazing),british, dead on annoying brooklynite, or real, natural not-as-annoying brookynite, and generic hispanic accents
Experience, training, and equipment this economy..I quit my full-time mega bucks, prestigious radio talk-host job! Who does that?? Music Radio jock for 10 years, talk show host on that big 50,000 watt station for 11 years, voice overs throughout..I retired..yes..retired.!!.to just concentrate on this. It's kind of a longer story than that, but I just think it sounds to cool to write it like that.
Anyway...commercials..hundreds of local clients...yadda, yadda..imaging for radio stations: ("And now..80 more songs from the 80's, 90's and NOW!!!!")..much narration for corporate video, training, loss prevention, etc..("Remember, when you're patting down a customer, always avoid the buttocks.")Books on tape, and a zillion character jobs..
I just do it! Just like my voice. please.
I know nothing. I talk into the Mic. But I do it well. At someone else's studio. Or the ISDN in my house.
20 years of radio, a voice-over actress before, during and after that, so I don't sound like a cheezy "radio babe", And a lot of voice over jobs under my belt. That's all I got.