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Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Warm Friendly, cheerful, believable, announcer
Last online6 days ago
Juan Alvarez
Warm Friendly, cheerful, believable, announcer
Last online6 days ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 9:03 - Total samples: 12
Restaurant Promo Ad - American Male - Neutral Accent
Juan Alvarez - 0:15
Corporate Presentation - American Male - Caring, real, inspirational
Juan Alvarez - 3:00
Villain VO Demo w/music
Juan Alvarez - 0:25
Juan Alvarez - 0:37
Voice Acting Demo - Singing-dramatic-character
Juan Alvarez - 0:34
SampleVO- Spanish
Juan Alvarez - 0:45
VO Spanish Neutral - Young Adult Male for TVC
Juan Alvarez - 1:01
Juan Alvarez - 0:08
Demo Reel
Juan Alvarez - 1:02
Spanish Voice123 Demo
Juan Alvarez - 0:38
Radio ID Spot Demo
Juan Alvarez - 0:08
Travel Commercial Demo
Juan Alvarez - 0:26
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About Juan
Member sinceNov 3, 2009
I have a friendly and warm voice. I am very persuasive, believable, and sound like an expert in almost any field. I am the life of the party and am quite humorous, with the ability to produce accents, and reporter-like talk on command.
Narration and voice acting for Corporate Traning Video-Omni Hotels and Hilton Hotels
On Camera Talent for Local Wireless Retailer
Hosted a Spanish language comedy/musical variety program for kids. - Media Hora de Tu Tierra
Voice of the D/FW International Airport on multiple projects
* Telephone message for their Remote Parking Office 2008-2012
* All About Headways - Voice Talent, musical arrangement and production
* Voice Talent for Special Services Department Promotional Video
Current Project: D/FW International Airport - Customer Experience Promo Video
Business and Management Center - Business Management Major-
Berhinger B2 Pro Mic
Blue Spark Gold Mic
M-Audio Preamp Interface
Quick access to full production studio (Studios at Las Colinas)
In-Home full service audio/soundesign production studio
I have customer service training, love to sing and do so quite well. I can create and produce jingles. I have a thing for speaking in accents, Castellian Spanish, Salvadorean Spanish, and Ebonic English, asian accent, filipino accent. The ability to make people laugh and capture their attention is probably my best attribute.