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Josep Ramos
Josep Ramos
Deep and very versatile voice.
Last online20 hours ago
Josep Ramos
Deep and very versatile voice.
Last online20 hours ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 16:57 - Total samples: 16
E-learning Mix
Josep Ramos - 0:55
Josep Ramos - 1:52
Josep Ramos - 1:18
Mix Demo New
Josep Ramos - 1:07
Josep Ramos - 0:30
Interpreted & Dubbing
Josep Ramos - 2:03
Josep Ramos - 0:21
Deep Spots
Josep Ramos - 0:51
Josep Ramos - 0:24
Josep Ramos - 0:35
Josep Ramos - 0:16
Josep Ramos - 1:09
Josep Ramos - 2:07
catalan promo
Josep Ramos - 1:21
Josep Ramos - 0:47
Josep Ramos - 1:15
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About Josep
Member sinceApr 19, 2012
LocationBarcelona, Spain (GMT +2)
The Spanish Voice Over Josep Ramos looks back over two decades of experience in the audio-visual world, where has worked internationally in the world of speech.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Castilian (from Spain)
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
Spanish, Catalan, Valencian
Experience, training, and equipment
The professional Spanish Voice Over Josep Ramos known for its work on the most important radio stations in the country. His career also passes through audio-visual production and dubbing studios. And it is that Josep Ramos has fought hard to break into the media making its mark in jingles, commercials, spots, movies, documentaries, corporate phrases, dubbing, audio, etc.
Josep Ramos, who currently offer their professional voiceovers via online, undertakes to perform the work of your customers in record time, the "day" and the immediate delivery of the same.
Among the professional services it offered Josep Ramos, include radio spots, pagers, multimedia presentations, jingles, TV commercials, documentaries, dubbing, multimedia courses, video games, idioms Mobile, GPS, vending machines, alarms, audio books, bingo , DVD sound recordings for museums and medical devices.
He says that its hallmarks are its wide range of voices in different languages, speed, reliability, honesty and professional, your customers can verify contacting him through the contact form in his platform: or via e-mail,
My training in recent years has been a constant in numerous refresher courses, learning new techniques of interpretation, theater, etc. ..
I have my own studio with ProTools 8, Abobe Audition, Command 8 Control surface, Digidesign processors included on ProTools, FocusRite mic pre-amp, Sennheiser and Shure mics high category, soundproof room.
Normally provide audio to my clients via E-MAIL attachments and FTP, usually at same day or on less than 24 hour turnaround.
Voice recordings for Broadcast Radio and TV and Radio commercials, multimedia, all you need.
If you need a special register your project and want a test, please ask it.
All budgets are negotiable.