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John B Leen
John B Leen
Deep, sexy, strong, dry, announcer, dad
Last online4 months ago
John B Leen
Deep, sexy, strong, dry, announcer, dad
Last online4 months ago
Playlists (3)
Commercial Demo
Duration: 1:05 - Total samples: 1
60 Second Commercial Demo
John B Leen - 1:05
All my samples
Duration: 2:07 - Total samples: 4
60 second Commercial Demo
John B Leen - 1:05
Sarcastic Narration
John B Leen - 0:20
Car Spot Raw
John B Leen - 0:20
Internal Industrial
John B Leen - 0:20
Duration: 3:52 - Total samples: 1
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About John
Member sinceSep 19, 2006
LocationChicago, IL, USA (GMT -5)
Good with technical material, strong deep voice for narration, announcer for quick commercial tags, award-winning actor who can bring interest to characters
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Chicago, IL, USA
Additional vocal abilities
I can do Irish, English (Cockney and Standard), Scottish, Russian, Minnesotan, Chicago, and American Southern dialects.
Experience, training, and equipment
I have done commercials for Trusted Choice Insurance, Bridgestone/Firestone tires, Air America Radio and their clients, Animal Planet Radio, HGTV Radio, and Business Talk Radio Network, The Weather Channel, and others.
I have also done voiceover work for stage plays for shows like South Pacific, amongst others.
I worked in radio for years, producing spots and running the sound board.
I am a trained singer who has worked in radio and television and stage for years. I have taken numerous voiceover classes, including Advanced Voiceover with the Acting Studio in Chicago.
A stage or on-camera resume can be provided on request.
Shure mic, Alesis sound board, Adobe Audition software.
I am a working actor with an ability to learn accents and dialects quickly.