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Joe Washington
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Joe Washington
Commanding spokesman, friendly, guy next door
Last online1 year ago
Joe Washington
Commanding spokesman, friendly, guy next door
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:54 - Total samples: 5
Joe Washington Comml demo 1
Joe Washington - 1:00
Joe Washington comml demo 2
Joe Washington - 0:54
Commercial demo 3
Joe Washington - 1:00
Joe Washington narr demo 1
Joe Washington - 1:02
Joe Washington narr demo 2
Joe Washington - 0:56
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About Joe
Member sinceMar 1, 2010
Authoritative, dynamic, professional and believeable baritone and lower for narrations. Warm, sexy, and conversational for commercials. Smooth.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Strong Midwestern
Experience, training, and equipment
As a teenager, adults would refer to me as "the voice". It took many years for that to register. Interestingly I would go on to take a 22 year journey in local television news before pursuing a freelance career in television, corporate video, voice over and live presentations. My experience ranges from live narration to corporate presentations, training, documentary and commercial. My client list includes The Home Depot, IBM, The U.S. Postal Service, Regions Bank and The Georgia Lottery. I would be happy to provide more information upon request.
A bachelors degree in communications/broadcast journalism from The Evergreen State College. 38 years of on camera and voice over experience from local television news and corporate and commercial work. I have studied voice over with Judith Sullivan and Maurice Tobias.
I have access to a fully equipped professional grade recording studio with Prima ISDN, phone patch and FTP. The studio is equipped with a Soundcraft Audio Board and Neumann U-87 mike.
Writing skills acquired during my years of broadcast news experience and corporate video work. I also speak frequently as a Master Gardener on gardening and landscaping topics.