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Joel Edwards
Joel Edwards
Earnest Announcer with a touch of cheese, Baritone
Last online4 months ago
Joel Edwards
Earnest Announcer with a touch of cheese, Baritone
Last online4 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 0:27 - Total samples: 1
Generic Documentary Demo
Joel Edwards - 0:27
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About Joel
Member sinceMay 4, 2011
Serious narrator, or just the know-it-all next door. Don Pardo was my hero, so I certainly have some announcer tendencies... but I can keep it real, keep it conversational.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Flat midwest US, southern,
Experience, training, and equipment
20 years of post-production audio and video allowed me to hear the best VO talent in the business... but from the engineer side. I learned the techniques of the great voices, as well as the directing techniques of various agency producers, all while perfecting my recording skills. I did scratch recordings for clients, intending to replace with "Real VO" -- and they kept my tracks. I used Voice123 numerous times to find good talent. In 2010 I started working more as VO talent in addition to my work as engineer/composer.
1990 BA Music Performance from Millikin University
Performing musician with 25+ years of experience playing, recording, and singing.
22 years of audio/video post-production experience.
As an engineer, I've worked with some of the best VO talent in Nashville and Atlanta over the past two decades.
Protools 10, MBox Pro, Neumann U87, Sure SM7B, Mackie 824 monitors, Sony 7506 headphones, various and sundry musical instruments.
In addition to my VO work, I co-own TangerineHero, an audio/video post-production boutique in Marietta, GA.