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Jessica Vasquez
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Jessica Vasquez
californian, innocent, sexy, professional, upbeat
Last online16 years ago
Jessica Vasquez
californian, innocent, sexy, professional, upbeat
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:58 - Total samples: 2
Jessica Vasquez - 0:24
Mi Voga Script
Jessica Vasquez - 4:33
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About Jessica
Member sinceMar 26, 2008
In addition to being a Voice Over Talent, I am a singer. As a singer, especially classically trained, I hold up clear diction and passion behind any project I undertake. I am humorous & professional for commercials, "robotic" for technological functions and Phone/Operator Business type settings. There is deep emotion if necessary. Best of all I am flexible! I aim to be as versatile as possible.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Male teenager
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Californian Valley Girl, Chola-Girl, British, American Tourist in Europe, Gangsta dude
Experience, training, and equipment
Although my "Voice Over" experience may look infant....It isn't. I have been a singer for over 15 years. I sing pop, gospel, Jazz, blues, folk, and best of all....:::drum roll please::: OPERA! One may frown when thinking of Opera being relevant to Voice Over, but allow me to enlighten your soul...
I have studied classical singing for a few years now. Diction is extremely important in singing Classically. I've studied Italian, French, German, & Latin. Trust me, if my syllables were off my grade got affected!
When one sings, it is important to carry out and deliver the message of the lyrics. No wonder my friends and family confuse me for a professional. I would trick my friends by pretending to be the telephone operator!
In addition to studying the 3 main Classical Singing Languages & Diction, I've also travelled to Germany, Poland, Russia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and throughout the USA. I make it my aim to absorb the language and learn quickly, without sounding like an American Tourist.
I also speak Spanish and have done voice over work for DVD documentaries in Spanish.
In order to be a talented Voice Over Talent, I believe one has to be a musician! Ear Training is crucial for the development of the voice, pitch, and dynamics.
Mt. San Antonio Community College
Began my formal musical studies. Prior to this, I was playing in marching bands and orchestras as a Clarinet/Bass Clarinetist & Singing in Choirs.
Studied under Dr. Randall Bills
Biola University Conservatory of Music
Majored in Music: Voice Emphasis
Studied under Dr. Susan Ali, Jeanne Robison (both classical) & Vangie Gunn for Contemporary/Pop Voice & Voice Over training.
Also, let me tell you- that as an active Worship Leader at my local church who frequently speaks to a large crowd, I've learned a thing or two about good, clean, diction.
I work alongside peers with their own studio which gives me easy access to adjust any project.
I personally have Logic Studio 2, Magix Mp3/WAV/AIF Maker/Converter.
Not only am I a VO Talent who can speak in 3 different languages (thanks to my Classical Singing studies) but I can also sing in different languages too!
To be honest, I may not know what I would be saying initially, but that's why learning the grammar, language, and how to use a dictionary to translate the language was of good use during my college days. I still have these dictionaries!