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Jessica Del Valle
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Jessica Del Valle
Neutral spanish, clear, warm, seductive, friendly
Last online4 years ago
Jessica Del Valle
Neutral spanish, clear, warm, seductive, friendly
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 0:41 - Total samples: 1
demo mix
Jessica Del Valle - 0:41
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About Jessica
Member sinceMar 6, 2012
My voice can be portrait as warm and deep for narrations and audio books. sexy, informative, mature, and also smooth and professiona, friendly and positive.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Additional services offered
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
I have experience doing commercials for radio and tv.
I've provided my voice for the advertisement of brands such as American Airlines, Wind Telecom, Purina dog Chow, Alorica, Coca Cola, among other local brands.
I have also done dubbin, infomercials, and internal corporate presentations, as well as narrations, for companies like Worldvoices Studios, and Audiomart Dominicana.
I worked as voice talent at Radio Disney Dominicana 2004-2012.
Bachelor in Science/ Communication Studies
SUNY College at Brockport, NY. Dec. 2008
Voice Over
Theather/ acting
Associate in Applied Science/ Visual Communication Technology
Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY. 01/2001- 05/2003
TV/Radio production
Latina del Swing, WGMC 90.1/105.1 FM, Rochester, New York. 2001-2003. (produccion, dj, voice talent, news reader, of the spanish radio show).
Intern at the tv show Parent Talk, Icat/ Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY, Sep.- Dic.2002. (Direction / Production / Audio / Camaras / floor management/ technical director ).
Latin music dj, WMCC, Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY, Sept.- Dic. 2001.