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Jeremy Barker
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Jeremy Barker
age 30-40, warm, deep, wide pitch range, playful
Last online11 years ago
Jeremy Barker
age 30-40, warm, deep, wide pitch range, playful
Last online11 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:19 - Total samples: 2
Commercial Demo
Jeremy Barker - 1:47
short commercial demo
Jeremy Barker - 0:32
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About Jeremy
Member sinceJun 17, 2013
My voice is warm, deep and a good match for documentary and informational narration. I enjoy all forms of VO, I have a wide pitch range that can be very expressive and attention grabbing. My natural speaking voice is aged between 30 and 40 and has an "Everyman" or "Guy Next-door" sound.
I have a wide emotional spectrum and enjoy approaching copy from many angles (when requested).
I have a long background in vocal performance and take direction well.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
I studied Voiceover at Edge Studio and still attend their weekly Audition Ringer Webinars.
I studied vocal performance at Fort Louis college in Durango Colorado, under Dr. Linda Mack, Dr. Brock Burbach. I have preformed in high school, college, and Community competitive Choirs.
- I grew up in the Historic Hotel Business and cultivated excellent interpersonal skills and a drive to please.
- Growing up, I was exposed to a great deal of vaudeville and melodrama style acting at the famous Diamond Circle Theater (recognized as one of the top 3 melodramas in the nation by Time magazine) which was directed by my Aunt.
- I studied the Tibetan Religion and Culture at Naropa University in Boulder Colorado and have a large knowledge around Tibetan iconography.
Personal Voiceover Studio:
-5 2'x4' custom Bass Traps
-3 Desk mount traps
-CAD GXL2200
-Yeti Blue
-Apogee mic pre and AD/DA converter
-Focusrite mic pre and AD/DA converter
-Presonus mic pre and AD/DA converter
Dedicated iMac:
-Logic Pro X
-Sound Library over 125 GB
DT 770 PRO 80 ohm monitor Headphones
Access to Recording Recording Studio:
-AKG C3000
-Royer R-121
-Apogee A/D converter
-Monster Cables
-PRO Tools 10