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Jennifer Marshall
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Jennifer Marshall
Mom, Lawyer, Quirky, Happy, Soothing, Helpful
Last online8 years ago
Jennifer Marshall
Mom, Lawyer, Quirky, Happy, Soothing, Helpful
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:02 - Total samples: 22
Dinosaur Train PBS
Jennifer Marshall - 0:16
Fashion Merchandiser
Jennifer Marshall - 0:16
Adam and Eve Commercial
Jennifer Marshall - 0:14
Jennifer Marshall - 0:16
Heritage Park Senior Care
Jennifer Marshall - 0:08
Medical Terminology
Jennifer Marshall - 0:15
Trivial Pursuit
Jennifer Marshall - 0:12
Francine Freckleface
Jennifer Marshall - 0:11
Colorado State University
Jennifer Marshall - 0:14
Veterans Affairs
Jennifer Marshall - 0:30
Wells Fargo
Jennifer Marshall - 0:16
Glendale Adventist Medical
Jennifer Marshall - 0:18
Best Practice Institute
Jennifer Marshall - 0:13
Jennifer Marshall - 0:12
Redwood Regional
Jennifer Marshall - 0:09
National City
Jennifer Marshall - 0:16
Jennifer Marshall - 0:13
Manpower Group
Jennifer Marshall - 0:15
Haynes Furniture
Jennifer Marshall - 0:30
Haynes Daylight Savings
Jennifer Marshall - 0:30
Haynes Luxury Mattresses
Jennifer Marshall - 0:30
Haynes Amazing Price
Jennifer Marshall - 1:00
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About Jennifer
Member sinceOct 22, 2013
Trustworthy and reliable for commercials, animated and excited for kids projects, warm and sultry for R rated material, helpful and soothing for answering services, and informative and upbeat for training videos.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Valley girl, grouchy chain-smoking woman, animated character Francine Freckleface!
Experience, training, and equipment
Started my voiceover journey when I was living in Virginia, working as an actress. Several people told me that I was quite...well...animated, lol! My husband also demanded that if I was going to be doing crazy voices all the time that I'd better try to get paid for it. ;-D Had a regular gig as a voiceover artist for the largest furniture store in Virginia, Haynes Furniture, for several years, which I loved!
Ten years working as an actress and have taken several voiceover classes during that time. :-) Being an actress helps IMMENSELY with voiceover! The slightest inflection can make or break a recording.
I have a wonderful studio I work with that is a stone's throw from my house.
I have experience with medical terminology, law and Supreme Court cases, criminal justice, military, weapons, and I majored in Spanish in college. I also have a degree in International Studies and was in the Navy - so the military terminology will never sound fake or stilted.