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Jennifer Hill
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Jennifer Hill
smooth,singer,characters,offbeat,girl next door
Last online17 years ago
Jennifer Hill
smooth,singer,characters,offbeat,girl next door
Last online17 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:36 - Total samples: 1
Tough Year
Jennifer Hill - 3:36
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About Jennifer
Member sinceNov 30, 2007
I can make my voice soft and sexy, smooth and warm, smooth and deep. I am able to do cute voices, silly voices, upbeat,melodramatic.
I can sing all types of music. Pop,jazz,broadway,classical,rock,country...
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Experience, training, and equipment
I have been doing things with my voice since I was a child. Either captivating my playmates with my impressions of cartoons or singing Annie to them at recess, I have always been able to keep an audience.
I can sing all types of music and have the ability to transform my voice into everything from a Russian grandma to a psycho cartoon that has had way too much helium.
I have sung and written many commercial jingles (Columbia Dental, Simonize, Simsbury Bank...etc) and have years of experience as a vocal coach. I also perform as a professional pianist/songwriter. I am comfortable in the studio and work my butt off!
Not only do I have experience performing and actually doing these things, I also went to college for it.
HARTT University of Hartford:Musical Theater Major
FLC Durango Colorado, vocal perormance major
Music writing, arranging,transposition,vocalist, pianist,actress,